•Chapter 42•

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3 months later: Monday morning: 7:00AM: Your POV
You wake up to Alice screaming. You and Alex walk to Alice room.
Diego: Alice clam down
Alice: Take me to the hospital (she screamed)
The kids come running out of there rooms.
You: Get some clothes on and let's go
Alex grabbed the keys. We go downstairs. We get in the car. Alex started driving to the hospital. Alex was driving fast. We then arrived. They took her into a room. You and Alex followed them.
Doctor: Ok push
Alice would push. Diego was holding her hand. Alicia and Looney didn't want to watch the process. Alice would push then her baby finally came.
Doctor: What are you going to name her?
Alice: Alison Nicole Martir
Doctor: Ok thanks
You were perfectly fine until your water broke. The doctor saw water coming from you.
They come running with a bed. They lay you down on the bed. The doctor got ready.
Doctor: Alright push
You pushed. Alex was holding your hand.
Alex: Breath
You breath. You push again. After a few pushes she was out.
Doc: She is beautiful
You: Thank you
Doc: What is her name going to be?
You: Gabriella Marie Guzman
Doc: Ok thank you
They do the stuff they need to do with the baby. They give you back Gabriella. You guys get up and leave. You guys head back home.
Alice: Omg! Alison is pretty
You: Yeah
Alice: Congratulations you're a grandma
You: Yeah
Alice: My baby is better then yours
You: Excuse me
Alicia: This isn't baby wars
Alice: Yeah but im 17 and I have baby
You: Yeah but I have had more
Alex: Can you all shut up
Looney: Yeah
The ride home was quiet. When you guys arrived home. You all go to your rooms. You breastfeed Gabriella. Alex helps you. Gabriella fell asleep in your arms. You put her in the crib in your room. Alex smacked your ass. You turned around and jumped into his arms. He spins you around.
You: I'm happy
Alex: I am too
You kiss him. He kisses back.
You: Alex is daddy
Alex: You already know bbg
You: We need to start an Instagram account for Gabriella
You pull out your phone and made an account for Gabriella. Her username was @gabriella.marie. Alex was happy that you guys had a baby. You lay down and fell asleep.

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