•Chapter 12•

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Recap: You put your phone on the charger. You sit there and wait. Then alex walks in your room with red roses.
You: Awww Alex
Alex: Y/n I want you
You: Alex....
Alex looks at you and grabs your hand.
You: Alex I want you too
Alex: Will you go out with me?
You: Yes
You hug him. He hugs back. You lay on your bed.
Alex: You look tired
You: Haven't got some sleep
Alex: it is ok
You put on Netflix. Alex comes next to you. You kiss him. You cuddle with alex and then fall asleep.

9:00 AM: Alice POV
you wake up. You see texts messages from Diego.
Diego😍❤: Hey babygirl
You: Where have you been?
Diego😍❤: Umm doing some things
You: Are you cheating on me??
Diego😍❤: no
You: come over
Diego😍❤: in a little while
You: ok
End of chat
You look at your calendar.
You: OMG we start school tomorrow
You run to your moms room. You open the door.
You: MOM!!
She falls out of bed.
Y/n: What?
You: We start school tomorrow we need new clothes.
Y/n: Take my credit card
You: ok
You walk out of the room.

Back to your POV
You get off the floor. Alex wakes up.
Alex: Good morning baby girl
You: Good morning Alex
You get dress. You changed into a black tshirt with jean shorts and slides. You walk down stairs. The kids were sitting at the table.
You: Me and alex are dating
Alice: Congratulations
Alicia: oh no now we have to hear your moans
Jackson: Congratulations
Justin: Is that what that sound was
You: What?
Justin: all that moaning
Jackson: Me and my girl had the nasty
You: Please tell me you wear a condom
Jackson: I did
Alicia: We also had the nasty
You: Ok fine
They all eat breakfast.
You: we have to go back to school shopping
All of them: alright
They all got dressed. We got into the mini van and went to the mall

I'm skipping the mall trip

You all arrive to the house. They went to their rooms. It was 5:00 PM. You started dinner.

2 hours later
Food was done. They all eat. Then everyone gets ready for bed. You go upstairs and into your bedroom. Alex was shirtless. You get on top of him. You kisses his chest. You get off of him and fell asleep.

That is the end of this short chapter.

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