•Chapter 54•

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2 weeks later: your POV
It was 12:00 PM. You were on the phone with the school district.
You: Let my kids go to maplewood high school
Lady: ma'am you're not in the area for that high school
You: But that has been were my kids have been going
Lady: Well you shouldn't have moved
You: Listen! Maplewood is were my kids are going to stay
Lady: Fine. School starts next week
You: Thanks
The lady hangs up. You jump for joy. Alicia walk downstairs.
Alicia: hey mom
You: Wassup
Alicia: I was cleaning and I found this book.
The book was purple and it said "17 years old me"
You: umm did you look in it?
Alicia: No I found it
You: Thanks! Can you tell everyone to meet me in the living room
Everyone came running in the living room. They sit.
You: Hi
Everyone: Hi
You had the book in your hand still. Alex grabs the book. Alex opens it.
Alex: Wow
You see the pictures.
You: Wow that was years ago.
The kids look at you.
You: Umm yall are still going to maplewood high school
Justin: Yes!
Jackson: Yay
Alicia: Ugh yay high school 🙄
Looney: Be happy
Alice: Yay 11th grade
Alex: Look at this book
You sit down between Alice and Alicia. You open the book.
Alex: Wow look how young you were.
You: Hahaha
There was a picture of you in a dress laughing with Sebastian.
Looney: Is this all about you?
You flip a few pages then there was a page to Alice.
Alice: Why did I have mac and cheese in my hair😂
You: You put it there
There was a picture of Alice learning to swim. Then you flipped the page to a page about Jackson.
Jackson: Why was I reading a book upside down 😂
You: You were little
Then you let the kids look at the book.
You: OMG!! We should do a book!
Kids: Yeah!
You: remember school starts next week.
Alicia: Let go shopping
You look at Alex. Alex smiles.
You: Ight then let's go
You grab your keys. You go outside and in the car.

At the mall

You guys went to almost every store. Yall almost bought like 5 things or more things in the store. You finish an 1 hour later. You all get in the car and off you go.

30 minutes later

You arrive at home. You got some stuff for the book. You take the stuff to your room. You start printing out pictures from your phone. You took the stuff downstairs and let the kids help you. The kids made 1 page of about themselves. You made a page about the gender reveal of Gabriella. Looney and Alicia did their 10 month anniversary. Alex's mom did a page about your 27 Birthday. Alex and you did a page about the engagement and trip.

5 hours later

You all finished. You went upstairs and onto bed.

That is the end of this chapter.

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