•Chapter 40•

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Monday morning: Alicia POV: 7:00 AM.
I wake up. Looney wasnt here because he was at his house. I changed into a black crop top with white booty shorts with white converses. I brush my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I grabbed my black jansport backpack. I walk downstairs and everyone was downstairs.
Alice: Hey Alicia
You: Alice you are wearing sweatpants, It's Monday!
Alice: So
You: that's against the rules and you can't speak to me
Alice: Whatever! Those rules aren't real
You: They were real when I wore an looney gang shirt
Alice: because that shirt was disgusting
Alice: Sweatpants are all that fits me
You: You sad hippo looking bitch
Alice: Fuck you
You: You too
I grabbed an apple and thrown it at her. I ran out the door. I walk to school by myself. Gavin catches up to me.
Gavin: What's wrong with you?
You: Do we have to talk about it
Gavin: Well I mean..
You: Gavin can you shut up
I started walking faster. I got to the school quicker then usual. I walk into the gates. I see a crowd of people at where me and the gang hangs out. I walk then I heard Halia and Keilly yell.
Halia & Keilly: STOP!! BRYSON!!
I run to see Bryson and Looney fighting. I push through the crowd. I get to them. I push Bryson away from looney. Looney had a black eye. I grabbed his hand. The school police officer started running towards everyone. Bryson started running. The officer tackled him down. He puts him in handcuffs. I kiss looney. He kisses back. I walk up to Halia and Keilly.
You: What the hell happened?
Halia: Control your boyfriend
You: Halia shut the fuck up
Keilly: Halia, Bryson started the fight.
You: What happened??
Halia: Your boo was talking shit about me
Keilly: No Bryson was talking shit about Alicia
You: I'm confused
Halia: Let's go!! Fight me!!
You: you really want to go??
Halia: Grow a vagina and fight me
You: Bitch let's go
Halia puts her bag down. I walk up to her.
I pushed her into the wall. I started punching her.
Keilly: Beat her up sis
Then a whistle goes off. The teacher pulls you off of Halia.
Mr lion: principal office. Good job tho
I grabbed my backpack and went to the principal's office. I arrived at the office. I walk in the room.
Principal: Well Luis and you are suspended
You: Ok and
Principal: You are failing classes. You are getting suspended for 4th time this year. You are doing bad things.
You: Look you're not my mom or dad and just let me go.
Principal: Go where Luis is!
You: What happened between them?
Principal: Bryson was talking about you and Luis didn't like that and Bryson started making a scene and Luis through the first punch.
You: Cool bye principal
I walk out of the office. I sign myself out and so does looney. Me and looney walk out of the office.
You: Babe are you ok?
Looney: I couldn't let him talk bad about you.
I kiss him. He kisses back. We walk together holding hands.
Looney: Let's go to Jamda Juice
You: Ok baby
We walk to Jamda juice. When then arrived. We walk inside.
Worker: Hi welcome to Jamda juice. What can I get you?
You: I want a strawberry Banana smoothie.
Worker: Ok and for you?
Looney: Can I get the same thing she did
Worker: Ok and what size?
You: Medium
Looney: Medium
Worker: Ok that's $10.00
Looney pulls out his wallet. He pays. I kiss him on the cheek.
Worker: Ok and name for the order?
Looney: Looney
Worker: OMG!! you're wavylooney
Looney: Yes I am
Worker: Omg!! You're offically.alicia
You: Yes I am
Worker: You guys are cute
You: Thanks
Looney: Thanks
Looney grabs my hand and we sit down. We wait for our order.
You: Babe I'm sorry
Looney: For?
You: Look at your eye
Looney: I saw it in the bathroom
You: Well now we are suspended together
The worker calls out looney. We get our order. We sit down outside. Me and looney sat next to eachother. He grabs my drink and drinks it.
You: We have the same drink
Looney: I know but you're lips are on the straw.
I grabbed back my drink. Then some boy walk into Jamda juice.
Looney: Emrick?
????: Yeah. Who's asking?
Looney: Omg! Long time no see.
Emrick: Looney??
Looney: Yes. What's up
He stands up. They bro hug. I sit there.
Emrick: Is that Alicia?
You: Yes it's. Who are you?
Looney: This is emrick. He's Alex's cousin
I get up and stand next to looney.
???: Emrick hurry up
Looney: Emma!!
Emma: Hi looney
Emrick: Sorry I gtg but hmu later
Looney: Ok
We sit back down. Looney starts kissing on my neck. I giggled. When he found my spot, I started moaning a little. Looney whispers in my ear.
Looney: Let me take you home and we can do some things😏
I obviously couldn't say no. We get up. I grabbed my backpack. Looney slaps my ass. We walk home. We arrive 30 minutes later. We run upstairs. I found a note on my door.
The note: Hi Alicia, Me and Alex went to the mall. We wont be home until 10 PM. Be good. If you get suspended dhmu. Ily from mom
I ripped the note off my door. Looney pushes me into the room. I put my backpack down and so does looney.
Looney: When the last time?
You: 7 months ago
Looney looks for the bag that Carlos give us when it was our 10 month anniversary. He found it.
Looney: Damn we have hella condoms left
You: Yeah
I walk up to looney. I kiss him. He kisses back. We move towards the bed. He lays me down. We are still kissing. I take off his shirt. Looney kisses on my neck.
You: Looneyyyy (I moaned)
He takes off my shirt. He takes off my bra. He kisses my boobs. I slightly moaned. He started massaging them.
You: Looneyyyy (I moaned)
He kisses my chest and stomach. He goes down to my shorts. He unzipped them. He takes them off.
Looney: You have my favorite underwear on
You: Ofc💕
I pulled down his pants with his boxers. He takes off my underwear. He touches my clit. I moaned. He pulls on the condom. He slides his dick in me. I moaned. He started going faster.
You: Papi (I moaned)
Looney: Moan it louder (he moaned)
You: Papi (I moaned louder)
Looney went faster and faster and faster and faster. I couldn't stop moaning. He was so good at this. I cum an hour later. He pulls it out. He takes off the condom. We started making out. He wraps the blanket around us. We were out of breath.
You: Damn looney (I say out of breath)
Looney: Anything for you bbg (he says out of breath)
We lay there naked. I feel something touch my ass. It was looney. We started kissing again. An hour later, we finished making out. I slowly fell asleep.

That's the end of this chapter.

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