•Chapter 63•

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Your POV : next day
You wake up. You think about Yesterday😴. That shit lowkey have u fucked up😔. Gabriella was on your bed cuddling with a fluffy blanket with a lambs head on it. You kiss her on her head. Alicia comes running into your room.
Alicia: that fag is gone right?
You: You didn't read the note?
Alicia: Maybe..😂
You: Yeah 2 months ugh he probably is sleeping with that girl...
The rest of the kids come in your room.
Justin: Ngl Alex shouldn't have done that to Alicia
Alice: I mean Alex is really handsome but you fucking him! Really!
Alicia: He said he had to please me
Jackson: Isn't that like incest ? 😂
You: Enough 🙄
Kids: Sorry
You: I need one of you watch the baby tonight
Alice: Cant. Meeting up with Di- Gio
Justin: You were gonna say Diego
Alice leaves the room 😴.
Jackson: I mean I could but practice
Justin: same
You look at Alicia.
Alicia: I will she isn't that bad 😂 plus I'm still on suspense
You: Thank you😌
Justin: Got to go to school
You: Ok bye
Justin and Jackson leave your room.
You: I mean you could watch her now and I can call someone
Alicia: Sure 😌
You grabbed your phone. Alicia got on your bed and watched Gabby sleeping. You look for Jabez number in yo phone. You found it. You hit call.
You: Hey Jabez🤪
Jabez: Wassup baby girl
You: Shh! Can we meet up tonight I have hella shit to tell you.
Jabez: Yes! I mean you can come over right now *laughs*
You: what yo addy😴😂
*Jadez tells you the address*
You: Kk be over in a min
You grabbed your keys.
alicia: OK LOVE YOU
You open and slammed the door. You drive to jabez.

Jabez POV
Ngl y/n is so pretty like fuck she make my dick hard🤤😫. Hopefully I can control myself 😂. But she should be coming.

Your POV
You get to jabez house. You were wearing this:

(Without hairstyle or nails or earrings) You knocked on the door

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(Without hairstyle or nails or earrings)
You knocked on the door. Jabez smiles
Jabez: Hi
You: Hey can i-
Jabez: Yeah sure
You walk in. Jabez closes the door. You push him against it and kiss him. He was wearing this:

 He was wearing this:

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He kisses back. You pull away and hug him. He hugs back.
Jabez: *in yo ear* I didn't want to leave you😔
You: I didn't want you to either. 😭
Jabez and you make your way to the living room.
Jabez: So you need to talk?
You: Yes so *you tell him what happened yesterday after he left*
Jabez: Wow😳 um😬 damn😔
You: Yeah....
Jabez: Do you still have STDS
You get on top of him.

Jabez POV
Fuck I'ma get hard because of her🤤. She starts kissing me on the lips. Fuck she so good at this😫. Oh no😣

Back to your POV
You: Oh Jabez
Jabez: You feel it
You: Yes😣 and I didn't know if you had a boner the first time we met or you had a big dick😫
Jabez: *smirks* I didn't have a boner
You: Oh🤤
Jabez kisses you on the neck. You slightly moaned in his ear.
Jabez: you turned on
You: Have been🤤🤤🤤
You take off Jabez shirt. He picks you and he takes you to the back bedroom. You get on top of him again.
Jabez: Please help 😣
You: you already know😂
You pull down his pants and kiss on his v line.
Jabez: Oh shit your tease 😣
You: Actually you should destroy me...
Jabez: Fuck yea🤤
He starts taking off your outfit.
Jabez: Fuck 🤤
He kisses on your neck then he un clips your bra. He kisses your tits. He kisses your stomach then panties left the chat😂. He starts eating your pussy. His tongue went 8 different directions in your pussy💀. Alex never did that so you moan loudly. Jabez did the 8 directions in reverse so then you cum.
Jabez: Shit that's alot of cum😫
You: You please my pussy 😣
You sucked his dick and damn it was huge. Then he put the dick in you and it was better than Alex. He started slow than yall went fast like "I got blast" fast😂😂
You: It is deep *moans*
Jabez: You like it that way *moans*
His dick his deep in your pussy. You moaned louder than you usually do.
You: DADDY! JABEZ!😫 *moans*

(Oh you don't have STDS anymore😂)

You were close to cummin. Jabez moans in a different way. Then you feel cum in your pussy. HE CUM INSIDE OF YOU....
Jabez: oh no😣
You: JABEZ!!!
Jabez: I'm sorry y/n
You: *in your mind* I mean I wanted him to be my daddy but not my baby daddy 😬💀
He takes his dick out. You get up and run to the bathroom. You take a test cuz you brought one just in case you were gonna get sum dick. You pee on the test. You leave it there. You pray that it wasn't positive. Jabez and you started making out, naked in bed.

Alicia POV
Gabby was perfectly asleep. I get a call from Alex.
You: What the hell do you want? 🙄
Alex: Come on Alicia you know you liked what I did to your pussy
You: Maybe but that is hella gross
Alex: Sorry *moans*
You: Why tf you moaning
Alex: Stephanie is sucking me *moans*
I hang up. Gabriella eyes open. She starts crying. I gave her my moms breast milk ina bottle. Gabriella started drinking it then threw it.
You: Mhm did you poo
Gabriella starts laughing. I checked her diaper and she shit 😂. I changed her diaper and put her in a new one. I give her the lamb blanket that she sleeps with. She fell back asleep. I just realized that Alex is cheating😬.
You: Gotta call mom

Your POV
You check the test and it says negative. You tell jabez.
Jabez: I will fuck you next time and we can have one🤤
You: Yes daddy 🤤
You kissed him on the lips. He kisses back. He grabs your ass. You pull away and get dressed.
Jabez: Fuck I cum in yo pussy 🤤
You: you did it so good 😣
Jabez and you walk to the living room and you leave for home. You get in the car and you drive home.

You get there 10 minutes later. Alicia comes running up to you.
Alicia: Alex called me..
You: Ugh what did he say🙄
Alicia: he was getting his dick sucked by a girl name Stephanie
You: Mhm he called me a hoe but damn look at him🙄
Alicia runs to her room and you go upstairs and to yo bedroom and asleep. 😴

That is the end of this chapter. Damn already 17.1 K reads😌

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