•Chapter 15•

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The next day: 7:00AM: Alicia POV
I wake up. It was 7:00 AM. Mom knocks on the door.
Mom: do you want a ride?
You: No I will just walk
Mom: Ok!! Alright alicia
You get up and get dressed into white tank top with white booty shorts and white converses. You grabbed your black jansport backpack. You put it on. You walk out the door. You walk on the sidewalk. You pass gavin house. You were on your phone. You play your 2nd playlist:

You were walking to the trail. Someone pulls you back by your waist. You got a little scared.
You: Hi Gavin
Gavin: How did you know it was me?
You: Your the only that walks with me
He lets go of you. You turned around and started walking backwards. You stared at gavin. You turn around. Gavin walked next to you.
You: Nice outfit
Gavin: Thanks. You too
You: Thanks
You and gavin walk onto the trail. It was 7:20 AM. You and gavin walk and talk.
You: so do you and your friends always play truth or dare
Gavin: Yeah
You: Oh. Do you have girls that are friends?
Gavin: Yes
You: Oh
30 minutes later, you and gavin arrived to school. You guys go your separate ways. Looney was with his boys and my girls were talking to them. You turned off your music. You walk over to them. Looney hugged you and kissed you. You kissed back. His hands was on your ass. You broke the kiss. He moved your hair out of your face. You felt his warm hand on your face. Bryson grabbed Halia and kissed her.
You: Hryson has enter the chat
Keilly: Here is the mf tea
Diahnte looked at Keilly. He kissed her.
You: Deilly has enter the chat
They all look at you
All of them: Aooney has enter the chat one to many times😂😂
You all started laughing. The bell rings.

Skipping to lunch

You all sit together with no food. You all talk.
Keilly: Me and Diahnte are dating
You: Congratulations
Halia: Oof congratulations
Bryson: Get some diahnte
Halia: Nah Bryson your trying to get some with me soooo
Bryson blushes. Halia kisses him on the cheek.
Bryson: Well me and Halia are dating
You: Congratulations guys
Both of them: Thanks
Looney: yeah congratulations
The bell rings. We go to break and play basketball.

Skipping to after school

You pull out your phone and mom has text on the group chat.
Mom: Hey who wants to get picked up
Alice: Going to diegos house again
Jackson: Trying out for basketball
Justin: Trying out for football
You: I'm going to walk
Mom: Ok have fun
End of chat
You get a text from looney
Looney😍❤💍: Going to bryson's house again
You: Alright please don't be cheating on me
Looney😍❤💍: I'm not
You: Ok
End of chat
You were about to get on the trail. Someone slapped your ass and grabbed it hard. You let out a little moan.
Gavin: was that a moan?
You: Yes
He stared at you. You stopped walking and stand in front of him. He stopped walking. He looked in your eyes. You look into his. He kisses you. You kissed back. Your tongue went in his mouth. You pull your tongue back in your mouth. You broke the kiss.
Gavin: Umm I'm sorry
You: It is ok
You guys started walking again. You played your playlist then this song came on

Gavin and you looked at eachother. You pulled up snapchat. You put your phone somewhere. The song started. You and Gavin bust down😂😂😂. You guys stopped. You ended the snap. You put the caption as part 2 with my new bestfriend❤😂🤞. You saved the snap like the last one and post it on your story. 25 minutes later, you arrived at your house. You hugged gavin. He hugged back he kissed you on the head. He walk off. You walked inside and into your room. Looney was playing fortnite.
You: I thought you were going to bryson's?
Looney: Nah I wanted to spend time with you
You put your backpack down. You get a text from danielle.
Danielle💗: Studio tomorrow afterschool
You: Ok
End of chat
You kiss looney. You hugged him. You lay down on the bed. You charged your phone and fell asleep.

That is the end of this chapter. Do you think she should be with Looney or Gavin??

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