•Chapter 19•

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A week later: Your POV: Saturday morning
You wake up. Alex was gone. You look at the time. It was 9:30 AM. You changed into this

 You changed into this

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With these shoes:

You walk downstairs

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You walk downstairs. Kids were at the table. You sit next to the girls.
Alice: Yeah Alicia I can't help you
Alicia: who can?
You: what is wrong?
Alicia: So yesterday at school. Gavin and Looney are friends.
You: Ok and?
Alicia: Gavin still likes me
You: Oh and your boyfriend and him became friends
Alicia: Yes and they hangout the whole school day. Even with Bryson and diahnte
You: it is ok
Alicia: I hope so
Alice: Anyways me and Diego might break up
Justin: Why?
Alice: Ummm idk...he doesn't talk to me-
There was a knock on the door. Diego walks in with red rose and in a tuxedo. Alice runs to him. They hugged. She take the flowers. He pulls a black box out of his pocket. He gets down on one knee. He opens the box. There was a ring.
Diego: Alice Madison underhill will you take this promise ring
Alice: Yes a thousand times yes
He gets up. They kissed then hugged.
Alicia: Congratulations Alice
Justin: Congratulations Sister
Jackson: Wait a minute
Justin cover Jackson mouth cause he knows what he was gonna say.
You: Jackson dont ruin the moment
Diego puts the ring on her finger. They kissed. They walked towards the basement. Then they walked downstairs into the basement. Justin uncover Jackson mouth.
Justin: Dude you could have ruin it all
Jackson: I wasn't going to say anything about that. I was gonna say where did he get the ring?
You: Oh anyways.
Jackson: Me and Chelsea broke up
You: Oh ummmm
Justin: Same with me and Bailey
You: Oh
Jackson: I think I like Loren
Justin: I think I like Hannah
Alicia: oh brothers
Looney walk in the door with Gavin, Bryson, diahnte, Halia and Keilly. Alicia gets up.
Alicia: What are you guys doing here??
Looney: chill babe. Let's go to the outlets
You: Alicia you can go just change into something appropriate
Alicia: Whatever 🙄🙄

Alicia POV
You changed into this:

Alicia POVYou changed into this:

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