•Chapter 60•

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Day one of suspense: Alicia POV
I get up. Ugh it was school time but im suspended from school 😂. I get a message from Halia.
Halia: Sksksks you got in and I oop-
You: Okay but I can still beat your ass
Halia: I'm at school 😂
You: Ok bye
you: wtf🙄
Halia: Sksksks
I change into this:

 Halia: Sksksks you got in and I oop- You: Okay but I can still beat your ass Halia: I'm at school 😂You: Ok bye Halia: SKSKSKS ON THE GANGyou: wtf🙄Halia: Sksksks *seen*I change into this:

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(Without the camera and chap stick)
I get a snap from Jaz. It was a video.
Jaz: Aye we miss you
Brianna: Sksk bitch
*the video ends*
I get a text from looney.
Looney: What it do baby?
You: Ugh🤨
Looney: Wow I thought you wanted to get back together
You: Well you changed and I'm not digging it so 😈
Looney: Damn I don't need you anymore
You: Ight then
Looney: Bye you whore
You: Ugh 🤨
Looney: Don't you dare
I get his skateboard. I walk out of my room and downstairs to the skate park. I start riding. I see people staring at me because I'm supposed to be in school🙄. I do a trick then my officer came up to me.
Officer: Dont do anything stupid
You: You know you don't have to watch me 24/7 right
Officer: I know but your mom called me and told me to track you down to make sure you weren't doing anything wrong.
You: Oh of course she would 🙄
Officer: Well you have to deal with me
You: But I'm not doing anything wrong *pulls out a juul*
Officer slaps my juul.
Officer: Your a minor and I can't let you do that
I stomp off and do tricks. looney walk into the skate park. Looney laughs.
Looney: You shouldn't be here
You: Your stalking me
Looney: Well I think your popo can relate
You: Don't you gotta gf or something
Looney: Yeah but I wanna tell you something
Officer: want him near you?
You: Nope
Officer: I'm sorry but you have to stand right there to talk to her
Looney: ok fine. I have a boner
Officer: 😐
You: Fuck out of here😂. Like you needa leave me alone.
I throw his skateboard at him. My officer didn't care😂. He takes the board and leaves. I make a tiktok with my officer.
Officer: My name is Lisa Myers
You: Im-
Off. Myers: I know yours😂
You: True😂
Off. Myers: Wanna go get ice cream?
You: Wait why you being nice to me?
Off. Myers: Well would you like to be in handcuffs the whole time.
You: No so I will take the ice cream
Off. Myers: Ok
We walk to the police car. I get in and almost shit myself😂 cause the K-9 was in the car.
Off. Myers: Sorry but that is Malcolm he is the best k-9
You: Oh but he scared me😂😂
Off. Myers: He will clam down.
We start driving to the ice cream shop. We get there and I order Vanilla with sprinkles. People were looking at us weird cause I was in the front seat of the police car.
Off. Myers: Malcolm is a good boy.
Malcolm dog: *whines*
She gives him some of her water. He drinks it.
Off. Myers: you can pet him
I let him drink his water than I started petting him. He licked my face😂. Lisa takes me home. I get out and in side. I heard moans coming from my mom room so I assume Alex was home😣.

Your POV
You was getting fucked the shit out of by Alex. It was that miss you type sex😂😂. 5 hours later you guys finished up. You guys stop 3 hours but you wanted more so yeah. Your pussy was so weak😣.
Alex: Fuck that felt good
You: Mhm especially you inside me😍😏
You and Alex go to sleep.

That's the end of this chapter. I'm sorry this is kinda dry. I'm sorry about not updating 😣. Kinda been busy with school, peoples drama and yeah😣😐

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