•Chapter 72•

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A/n: okay so like I have a reader that give me an idea and ima use part of it so if you ever have ideas I will take them...

Your POV: Monday: 6:00 AM
You wake up. It was the next day. You came to realize that Alice moved out. You got up and changed into gray sweats and gray sweatshirt. Your still pregnant. You go downstairs to Jabez.
Jabez: Baby I know it is gonna be hard about Alice.
You: I will be fine...
Jabez: Sure

Alex's pov
I moved to Sparks but it lowkey sucks cuz I cant be with Y/n but she is in love with Jabez.

A/n: I'm changing Stephanie name to her actual name soooo for a personal reason ig🤣

Arissa walks into the room.
Arissa: Alex get off your ass and let's go get shit for our future kid
Alex: Fuck you bitch this is over
Arissa: You left her for me now you leaving me for who?
Alex: I'm leaving you for her
Arissa: Ight it is okay I have been cheating and I did a test the kid isn't yours...😂
Alex: Ight than
I pack my shit and leave her house. I moving back to LA and shit is about to start....

Alicia pov
I wake up and go to school. I remember my sister literally moved 🤕 I changed into this:

 I remember my sister literally moved 🤕 I changed into this:

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I let my hair down. I started walking to school with Justin and Jackson.
Justin: have you told Alicia?
You: Told me what?
Jackson: I got this bitch pregnant
I looked at the house that he pointed at.
Me: You dumbass!! Are you take care of it?
Jackson: Fuck no 🤣
Me: ight time for you to move 💀
Jackson: Fr fr
We get to school they go there own ways. I had some new friends. There are the most popular girls at the school.

(A/n: I will show you her new friends in a while and there personality traits. )

I meet up with them. We talk until the bell rings.

Back to Alex's pov
I get to LA and get to y/n house. I see jabez leaving. I run up to him and take him in my car.
Jabez: Wtf
You: You need to stay away from Y/n
Jabez: She loves me not you... you had your chance
You: I have chances 😂 you don't
Jabez: Man fuck off
You: No your not leaving
I drive off he is in my car tryna get out. I get in an alley. I tie him up. He can talk but not move.
Jabez: Alex your fucking crazy.
You: Nah I haven't killed anyone... yet
Jabez looks at me. I smirk cuz I'm questioning if I should drive off a cliff, drive this car into a river or into the beach, or if I should get into a car accident. I start driving anywhere. I realized after a while i was being followed.
Jabez: oh no.. your have someone else come kill me
Me: That car shouldn't be following us.
Jabez starts laughing. I punch him. He is still laughing. I'm kinda driving but I'm filling up a needle to drug him but than...

Your pov
Your following Alex's car. His car isn't stay in the lines. You ram your car into his. You go faster and hit it again. The car goes on the other side of the road and into a dirt road. Alex at this point was driving. You follow them. Than someone opens the trunk than something falls out. You slam on your brakes. You get out your car. It was a dog. It started growing. You get back in your car. You turn your car and look up and you see Alex's car coming at full speed and Jabez isn't in it. You run out of your car. The 2 cars smashed into each other. You followed the tire tracks. You took you to a lil house. You see alex and Jabez outside. Alex had a gun to Jabez.

Jabez pov
I am held by gun point by Alex. I'm praying that he doesn't shoot me.
Me: Alex is this really what you want?
Alex: I just want to be with y/n
Me: Alex taking my life and trying to be with her isn't gonna make this better
Alex: You took it from me
Me: You went away she got lonely and you cheated
Alex: I know I did but I deserve her
Me: You came back and treated her like shit
Alex: But your treated her better and I was doing the same in the beginning
Me: What made you stop??..
Alex: when I went back to sparks. I was helping my mom she was sick. Emrick missed hanging out with me that cousin bond. Emma did too. I missed my brother he doesn't deserve to live without a brother. I got lonely than I met Arissa she is friends with Emma. *alex points the gun at himself*
Me: Alex listen to yourself if you pull that trigger... your brother wont have a brother, emma wont have her amazing cousin neither will emrick. Looney wouldn't have you. Carlos would miss you even though yall aren't bestfriends anymore. Y/n gave you her soul when she lost her virginity to you. Do you really wanna pull that trigger. Gabriella wont have her dad to be around.
Alex: I'm not gonna do it.
Alex puts down the gun. The police come running to us. They untie me.

Your pov
You run to Jabez and hug him.
You: I'm so glad your okay🥺
Jabez: He tried to drug me but another ways I'm fine🤕
You and Jabez kissed.
You: Well I don't have a car so what do we do?
Jabez: I can call someone
You: ight
Jabez called an uber. The uber gets there and takes yall home. You wake inside the house. The kids that live there were home. Alicia was on the phone with someone while she was making something in the kitchen. The boys were doing homework and Gabriella was playing with her toys and alicia was watching her. You grab Gabriella and play with her and so does Jabez.

Time goes by. Everyone went to bed in the house.

That's the end of this chapter. So like this person idea was this:

 So like this person idea was this:

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Thanks jayleneecheverria

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