•Chapter 14•

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He kisses you on the lips. You kiss him back. He breaks the kiss. You look at him. He looks at you.
You: I have to go I had fun today
Gavin: Me too
You walk up your driveway and into your house. It was 5:30 PM. You were the only one home. You walk upstairs. You walk into your room. Someone grabbed you back.
You: HELP!!!!!!!!!! (you yelled)
Jesse: It is ok
You: let go of me dad!
He let's go. You turned around and looked at jesse.
You: Are you ok??
His eyes were red like if he has been crying nonstop.
Jesse: No I miss you guys
You: Well why are you here?
Jesse: I wanted to talk to your mom
You: Wait how did you get in?
Jesse: The door was unlocked
You: Shit I left the door unlocked
Jesse: Do you know where your mom is?
You: She said she was at the mall with alex
Jesse: Why with Alex?
You: Cause they are dating
Jesse started tearing up. Then a tear rolls down his cheek. You hugged him. You grabbed his hand and take him downstairs and onto the couch. Jesse was still crying. You sat on his lap like you did when you were 4. You hugged him. Mom walks into the house.
Y/n: Why is jesse here??
You: He wants to talk to you alone
Y/n: Ummm alex would you leave for a while
Alex: Sure
Mom walks to the couch and sit down.
Jesse: Alicia you could stay
Y/n: What do want to tell me
Jesse grabs moms hands and looks at her
Jesse: I want you back
You watch this
Y/n: j-j-jesse I love you
Jesse: I love you too
You: Wait so umm
Y/n: But I don't know if I can get back together with you
Jesse: I understand
Y/n: We can be friends
Jesse: But it wouldnt be the same
You: Jesse she still loves you but she has feelings for someone else
You screamed!!! Jesse and y/n stared at you
Mom: What is wrong
You screamed more. You ran up stairs. You run into your room. You through yourself on your bed. Jesse and mom comes upstairs and into your bedroom. They sat down on your bed.
Mom: What is wrong??
Jesse: We are your parents. You could tell us anything
You sat up in tears. They look at you.
You: Please dont tell looney
Mom: Ok
Jesse: I'm fine with that
You: I met this boy today, he is a 7th grader, his name is gavin, we hangout afterschool and when we were done hanging out he kissed me and I kissed back.
Mom: Oh sweetie...
Jesse: So is that why you started screaming?
You: Yes I think
Jesse: Do you think your catching feelings for Gavin?
You: I don't know
Mom hugs me. You hugged back. They left the room. You sit in your room thinking about looney. Then you hear a knock on the door. It was Alice. She looked pissed.
Alice: Can we talk
You: Sure
Alice slammed the door. She sits next to me.
You: What's up?
Alice: I think Diego is cheating on me!!
You: Awww Alice. Let me beat his ass if he is
Alice: You have my word
You: Thanks! But you and Diego have been together for 3 years about to be 4
Alice: yeah but I swear if he is I will beat the bitch up!
You: tag team 😂😂
Alice: Yeah! Have you been crying?
You: actually yes
Alice: talk to me
You: Well there is this boy...
Alice: Go on
You tell here what happened
Alice: Oh sister. I wont tell looney.
You: Thanks
Mom comes in with dinner. Me and Alice eat and watch Netflix. We were done eating. Alice pick out my clothes for tomorrow
Alice: Are you able to wear booty shorts?
You: Ummm yes
Alice: Ok
You look on Instagram. You get a text from looney
Looney😍❤💍: Hey babygirl
You: Hey
Looney😍❤💍: Do you miss me?
You: Yes of course
Looney😍❤💍: So you and gavin were hanging out together
You: Yeah but early
Looney😍❤💍: Alright I'm going to bed good night
You: Good night baby boy
End of chat
Alice left your room. You get a text from Bryson
Bryson: Wassup Monica
You: Hey Bryson
Bryson: Yo dont tell Halia but I like her
You: Ship!!
Bryson: Does she like me??
You: Yes. Ask her out tomorrow
Bryson: Alright
You: Good night Bryson
Bryson: good night Monica
End of chat
You put your phone on the charger and fall asleep.

That is the end of this chapter. I'm sorry I keep it on Alicia POV a lot.

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