•Chapter 7•

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The next day
You walk up. You walk downstairs. You cook some breakfast in the kitchen. You get a text from Jesse
Jesse: when you coming back
You: Umm never o'clock
Jesse: I doubt that
You: Jesse I don't want to be with you anymore
Jesse: Nahhh you will come back to daddy
You: No thanks
Jesse: yes you will
You: NO
Jesse: you're pregnant with my baby
You: No I killed it
Jesse: That's fucked up
You: Jesse I'm done with you
Jesse: ight love ya
You: hate you
Jesse: whatever
You don't respond. You leave food out for the kids. You walk upstairs and knock on each door.
Alice: be down there in a second
Alicia: Coming
Justin: Imma be there
Jackson: here I come
Alice comes downstairs. She is wearing this: (the one on the left)

 She is wearing this: (the one on the left)

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You take a shower and change into this:

Alicia is wearing this: (the one on the right)

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Alicia is wearing this: (the one on the right)

Alicia is wearing this: (the one on the right)

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They go down stairs and eat.
Alice: I like it here better then dads
You: Yeah it is nice
Alicia: So what's going to happen now
You: No clue
Justin: Can my girlfriend come over?
You: Nope
Justin: Then why is Luis here?
You: Maybe because I have meet him and I like him better then bailey
Alicia: Dont bring my boyfriend into this
Alice: Well I'm going to the mall
You: No
Alice: Why?
You: Because I said
Alice: So
You: Alice car keys now
Alice gives you the car keys.
Alice: Why are you in a bad mood?
You: Jesse
Alicia: Oh going to my room with looney
You: ight
Alice: Going swimming
You: Ok
Jackson: Can I go to the mall?
You: Nope
Jackson: fine
He goes upstairs and slammed his door. Justin goes to his room to play fortnite. You go upstairs and watch Netflix and fall asleep
A dream
You: jesse I love you
Jesse: I love you too
Alicia: looney get me pregnant
Luis: yes babe
Alice: Fuck mom and dad
Diego: pussyhoe
Justin: Mom got a girl pregnant
Jackson: Yeah she was screaming daddy
Alex: We arent bestfriends anymore
Carlos: Jesse fight me pussy
Jesse: Bruh
Britney: I'm back bitches
The dream ended
Kids come running into your room.
Kids: What is wrong
You: I had the worst dream
You tell them the dream
Alice: Yikes
Alicia: Oof
Luis: I won't get your daughter pregnant until 18 or something
Alicia: Aww babe
Justin: ummmm I wouldn't do that a young age
Jackson: that's crazy
You: Yeah
The kids leave the room. Then across your screen jesse underhill has post a new Instagram picture. You open the notification. You look at the photo then the caption said: just got into a fight with tanner fox. I lost but my wifey left me last night. So we aren't together anymore please don't hate on her Instagram cause I love her deeply. I love you hills❤. You scrolled through your Instagram. Across your screen tanner fox posted on Instagram. You clicked on the notification. Caption: Just fought Jesse Underhill. I won cause I wasn't going to let it slide about the way he treated y/n because she is my beautiful bestfriend. I love you bestfriend😍❤. You got off your phone and fell asleep.
Alicia POV
You and looney are laying down. Looney looks at the time with his brightness all the way up and it was dark.
Looney: Whoa that is bright
You giggled. You look at him
Looney: 11:00 PM
You: An hour away from our 10 months anniversary
You look at him. You kiss him. He kisses back.
Looney: I can't believe we have been together for 10 months now
You: Yup you're my forever
Looney: That's right mamas
You kiss him. You hold hold his hand. You guys kissed for a while. You go on your phone and look at some fan edits of you and Luis. You lay your head on his shoulder. He kisses your forehead. You look him.
Looney: I will gave you the world baby girl
You: You just gotta be worth it
Looney: you are worth it
You: So are you
Luis kisses you on the lips. You then check the time.
You: 11:40 PM
Looney: We are 20 minutes away from 10 months in our relationship. Auis or Aooney or Llicia
You: Awww you're so cute
Luis: You are too
You hug Luis and he hugs you too. You look at the time.
You: 11:50 PM
Looney: Time goes by slow
You: Not when I'm around you!!😍❤💍
Luis looks at you and stares. You stare into his eyes.
Luis: You're my shawty😍
You: You're my daddy😏
Luis: You're my ride or die😍💀
You: You're my fine ass boyfriend😍💍
Luis: You're my wifey
You: I want to marry you
Luis: Me too
You: Luis Ruiz you're mine forever
Luis: Alicia you're my forever baby girl😍❤
You: I think I'm catching feelings
Luis: I had them feelings since day 1
You: I want to be happy with you
Luis: Same
You: I wouldn't know what to do without you
Luis: I would probably die and I wouldn't know what to do with out you
You look at the time.
You: 11:58 PM
Looney: 2 minutes
You: Babe you make me feel so happy before I met you I was nothing but you changed that. You made me felt worth it. It was all you looney.
Looney: Are you trying to make me cry cause it is working
You: No but I'm happy with you around
Luis looks at the time.
you got out of bed. You kissed him.
Luis: I got plans for me and you😏
You: Oooh what kinda plans?
Luis: Have to find out in the morning
You: Awww ok babe good night.
Luis: I love you good night
You kiss him goodnight. Looney and you cuddle and fell asleep.

That is the end of this chapter. Do you think they are couple goals?

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