•Chapter 39•

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The next day: 10:00 AM: Saturday: Your POV
You wake up. You text people about the gender reveal party being today. Alex woke up. Alex smiles.
Alex: I can't wait until the gender reveal
You: Me too
You get up and shower. You changed into this after your shower:

 You changed into this after your shower:

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You walk out of the room. Alice had the same dress on. Alicia was wearing the same dress but in her size.
You: All matching
The boys were wearing blue. You guys sat up outside. It was 12:00 PM when you guys finished. The party started at 1.  You and everyone was excited. You and Alice are sharing the party. Then guests started arriving. You and Alex were opening the door. Everyone was here. You and Alex headed back to the backyard. Alice was talking to the DJ. There was a dance floor. Alex was talking to Carlos. Alice and Alicia walk up.
Alice: When can we do the dance?
You: In a few minutes
Alicia: Ok let me tell the DJ
You bump into Jordyn. She had cake.
Jordyn: Nice party
You: Thanks
Jesse walks up.
Jesse: Congratulations
You: Thanks
Then the DJ started talk on the microphone.
Dj: Can we get Alex, Diego, Alice, Alicia, Looney and Y/n to the dance floor.
You and Alicia, Alice, Diego, Looney, Alex went to the dance floor. The DJ puts on birthday sex. Yall started dancing like this👇 and pretend it's you guys:

Everyone was clapping and whistling.
The DJ hands you the microphone.
You: Hey guys!! What do you have to say about that
Everyone whistles and claps.
You: We have been working on that for months. I'm happy to see everyone could make it here. What was your favorite couple?
Everyone: All
You: I think we should do the gender a different day!
Everyone: NOOO
You: I was kidding!!
You hand Alex the microphone
Alex: So first gender reveal is Alice
So you & Alice & Alex & Diego grabs the cannons. You all stand in a line.
Alice: Alicia do the count down
Everyone pulls out their phones.




The cannons went off. IT'S A GIRL! Diego runs to Alice and hugs her. Danielle, Loren, ona, and hannah run to her. They all hug.
Alicia: Ok next is my mom reveal
You & Alex & Alicia & Looney grabbed the cannons.
You: Fine
Alice takes the microphone and walks up to anyone. The first person was Carlos.
Carlos: Y/n I hope it's a boy. I hope you are ready for this
Alice walks up to Gavin.
Gavin: So I hope you have a girl cause Alicia and Alice are cute and they get that from you and you know what I'm saying
Alice walks to Halia
Halia: I want it to be a girl cause you have 2 beautiful daughters so
Alice goes to Jesse
Jesse: I hope the baby is a girl because if it was a boy it would be ugly.
Alice: Ok folks let's start the count down






Blast off. IT'S A GIRL!! Alex drops the cannon and hugs you. Alicia is happy and so was Alice. The kids hugged you. You were happy. Looney picks up the microphone.
Looney: You know who is next!!
Everyone started oooh.
You: What??!!
Looney: Its a joke
Alex: Boy you don't even have the balls to do it
Looney: Sutcho ass up😂
You grabbed the microphone.
You: Anyways the party is over!! I hope you enjoyed the party.
You grabbed the camera because you were doing a YouTube video. You ask Carlos to do the drone so that way everyone can say bye. He did then he ended it. Everyone was left. You go inside and changed into a oversized shirt with shorts under. You started editing the YouTube video. There was parts that people talking about the gender. The dancing was probably everyones forever part besides the  revealing. You got bored of editing. You go upstairs. Alex was shirtless. You lay on the bed.
Alex: What was your favorite part?
You: All
Alex: What do u want to do?
You: I haven't had dick in a while
Alex smirks. Alex lifts up your shirt and pulls down your underwear and shorts. He starts eating you out.
You: Alex eat me
Alex ate you out. You then fell asleep.

That's the end of this chapter.

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