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" Do you remember the day we met ?

Probably the best day of my life .

My ' friend 'stood me up and went to a party when we were supposed to be on a ' study date ' at the corner cafe .

I don't care that she went to the party it would've been nice if she told me she was going instead of having me wait three hours for nothing .

Well maybe not nothing .

You were there as well working on something . I really didn't notice you until you came up to where I was seated and asked if I had a pen you can use . I was stacked up with pens so it was your lucky day . I let you select which ever one you wanted . After that you thanked me and went back to where you were sitting .

I couldn't get my eyes off of you . Wondering what highschool you went to since I've never seen you at mine. You almost caught me staring but I got interrupted at the best timing .

My step dad called me telling me he was picking me up . I packed my things and started heading out when you rushed to stop me . You offered me my pen back but I told you to keep it . You smiled and thanked me before heading back to your original spot .

I walked out the cafe to quickly turn around and look at you through the clear windows with a smile on my face when I seen you looking back at me"

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now