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When she walked in , she gasped .

She instantly started shaking .

" Jeongguk you're awake ?" Her eyes tearing up .

The food in her hands almost falling due to her shocked state .

" Hey shortie ."

Shortie .

He's awake .

He spoke .

He's staring right at her .

" Aw you brought me food how nice . now are you going to give it to me or just stare at me like I shot your dog ."

With that the girl set the food on a counter and jumped on the boy .

Squeezing him with all her strength .

He instantly hugged her back with the same intensity.

" Stupid why would you do that . Are you an idiot . Why'd you have to scare me like that . That's not funny I hate you ." The girl rambled into the boy's shoulder , sobbing .

" I missed you too shortie ."

She sniffles and pulls away only to look at him .

" You're really here ," she says as holds his face in her hands .

" Silly girl . I told you I would stay by your side didn't I ?"

He pulled her to sit on the bed in front of him .

" Thank you for never leaving my side . I felt you here most of the time . Your stories were quite interesting." Jeongguk said to the girl .

"Wait you actually listened ?" she questions him .

" Yep . Heard everything ." He smirked .

The girl's cheek started heating up when she realized what he meant .

He heard her pour her heart out to him .

I mean she always did and he would comfort her but never did she ever confess to him .

Until he was in his sleeping state .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now