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" 5 more days left and reality hasn't hit me . I just don't believe that they'll take you away from me . Maybe they won't have too .

You'll wake up soon right ? If not now then later . Push yourself but don't push to hard to where you lose balance . Sound familiar ? Didn't think I would say these words again to you , especially in this predicament. I used to use that phrase whenever you would over work yourself .

You would try to hide yourself from me but little do you know I can read you like an open book . We are kind of similar . The way you put out this persona of being confident yet shy . You're shy because it's not all true . You are insecure .

But when nobody's around . And when people are around , you beat yourself on the inside . Just like me . The only difference is you try to fix them while I try to get used of them . You want to get stronger so you work out . I wanna change my size but I don't do anything to fix it . You're insecure about your looks . I'm insecure about my looks. But i don't understand why you're insecure about anything .

You're literally the most perfect person . Well if someone could be perfect then you most certainly are . You're probably thinking I'm crazy because you don't see that . Obviously you wouldn't because you're you . Every single person has insecurities if it isn't their looks then it's their personality . No matter how nice or beautiful a person can be , they'll never see that .

Your consciousness won't naturally except it . It'll take time and motivation. How do I know all of this ? You've taught me . I was once insecure about my height and still am but I've learned to accept it . You'd always say it's cute how I was short . And call me shortie .

At first I hated it but I grew to love it . You told me that I am short enough and to accept it . Also said that when someone calls me shortie , it's not an insult . People envy me because they wanna be my height .

I found that hard to believe until my friends started saying they wanna be ' tall' or ' short' like me . That's when I realized you were right . The little things you've done or said changed my view of things a lot and you probably didn't know . Every single thing you've said to me mattered .

Even you whining about losing a match in a video game mattered . Because everything you say , do , and how you think are characteristics only you have . It's what makes you different from everybody else . Your persona is something I've never seen . You intrigue me and I love it ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now