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Waking up , the girl felt so confused .

It took her a second before she realized she was in his room .

' How am I even in here right now ? Where is he ?'

She immediately ran out the room to look for him .

Soon enough she found him sleeping on the sofa .

" Hey ggukie wake up ," she softly said .

Nothing .

" Come on Jeongguk let's go to your room ," she spoke again only this time she lightly shook him which caused him to groan .

She sighs but continues to wake him up .

Eventually she got him to stand up and stumble up the stairs into his room .

She puts him in bed and was about to walk away when he grabbed her wrist .

" Stay ."

' Is he serious right now ?'

Not knowing how to act , she just stood there awkwardly .

" I mean sleep with me silly girl don't just stand there ," he said laughing .

She blushes but walks to the other side of the bed and gets in it .

Jeongguk immediately pulls her close to him resting his forehead on her shoulder .

A few minutes pass by and he already fell back asleep .

However she couldn't .

She was just too happy and couldn't believe this was all happening.

It was nothing new . He used to always be like this .

It seems like things are going back to the way they were .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now