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" Your nurse eunjae is the sweetest person ever . She really let me sleep at the hospital after visiting hours because she knew I wanted to spend as much time as I possibly could get with you .

I napped at the lounge until around 3am and then went to the cafeteria to eat some food . Eunjae spotted me and took a seat at my table .

We were literally the only ones there besides the staff who run the AM shifts . She starts a conversation by asking me if I slept well . I told her it was better than no sleep . It went quite again until she says ' don't give up on him just yet .

The way his heart rate and breathing changes when your around is the craziest thing . You really mean so much to him .' That really is the craziest thing well to me at least . Do I really mean a lot to you ? If yes then you should know the feelings mutual . By now I'm pretty sure you do-"

" What are you still doing here are you crazy ?!?" mrs Jeon walks in cutting the girl off .

" Did you stay the night ? I was worried sick ."

The girl didn't know how to respond .

" Come on you're coming home and I'm not taking no for an answer ."

Mrs Jeon looked angry .

It wasn't because she was mad but it was because she was scared something happened to the girl , after all she was like a daughter to her .

The young girl gives up and decided to go home with her .

" I'll be back soon ggukie sweat dreaming ," the girl kissed his cheek and walked over to mrs Jeon .

Mrs . Jeon couldn't help but smile to her self , finding what the younger just did to her son , adorable .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now