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" I had just got home when my mom rushed me to get ready because her old friend was coming over for dinner with her husband and youngest son .

To be honest with you I was kind of irritated since my plans of staying in bed all day got ruined but whatever .

I just dressed into jeans and a cute blouse then combed my hair out a little .

My mother called me down to help set up the table . I was just about finished when the door bell rang . My step dad asked me to answer the door so I did . One thing I didn't expect was to open the door and see you standing there with your parents .

What a coincidence. I let y'all in as we greeted each other acting like we've never met prior to this . After getting situated my mom then asked me to give you a tour of our place .

We were upstairs when you said ' who would've known my mom's highschool best-friends daughter would be you.' Yeah that caught me off guard as well .

My stepdad called us down for dinner . We were seated next to each other . Our parents started talking about us and putting us on the spot . Like talking about our childhoods and embarrassing moments that they found cute . I have to admit though it was cute seeing you get all flustered .

Eventually we finished dinner and the adults wanted to have some wine . You were invited to go along with them since you just turned 21 but you refused and decided to tag along with me at the upstairs living room .

We sat on the couch and started talking about ourselves . Like what's our hobbies and opinions on shows . I would say we were totally opposites but we had similar taste in music which I really liked. I came to find out you were a jokester I guess that makes two of us .

We had each other laughing all night until your parents decided it was time for y'all to get going . Our families said they're goodbyes while saying they must have another dinner together .

Before you walked out you smiled then waved goodbye . I waved back and watched you leave .

Once I seen your car drive off I ran upstairs to my bed and just started reminiscing the night . There was just something about you that had me feeling so many emotions I've never felt before and we've only met a couple of times . It was so foreign to me I didn't get it ."

" Miss visiting hours are done for tonight ."

" I'll be out right now ."

" It looks like I gotta head home . I would say I'm going to be here tomorrow but I can't make it . Mina's birthday is tomorrow and I promised her we'd hang out . Don't miss me too much . Dream easy Jeongguk "

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now