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" Urgh get off of me I can't breath ."

" Not until you say yes ."

" But I really can't go ."

" Not the response I'm looking for ."

" Jeongguk you know my grandparents are coming and my mom wants me to keep them company ."

" I'll talk to your mom you know she can't resist me ."

" That's not fair , I have to greet them ."

" We can stay for a little and then go to Jimin's party come on you see your grandparents every week I'm sure they wouldn't mind me stealing you for a bit ."

" But I-"

" No buts , I'm going to ask your mom right now ."

" Wait Jeonngu-"

Too late . He already had hopped off of her and dashed to the kitchen to where her mother was .

She sighed and went after him .

" Hey auntie can me and shortie go hang out later ," he said while putting his arm around her mother's shoulder .

" Hm depends what time ."

" After we have dinner with the grands of course ."

" Okay just stay safe and come back at a decent hour ."

" Will do auntie ," he kissed her cheek and went to sit on the living room couch .

" Mom really ? That easy ?"

" You know I can't resist my little bunny ."

" Urg mom don't call him that ," the girl whines while walking to where jeongguk is .

" I -"

" Stop DONT you dare say it gukk ."

A few seconds pass by ....

" I told you so ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now