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" So your brother snitched me out to your mom .

He told her the real reason why I've been spending the night at your place .

I didn't want to tell him what my stepdad said because I knew he would snitch . But he got it out of me .

You Jeon boys always know how to make me confess .

Junghyun is really annoying sometimes .

Your mother told me that I shouldve told her the truth and I can stay as long as I want . She said I was like the daughter she never had and honestly she's like my second mom . I love that lady .

But you know since she is a mom she obviously called my mom to tell her that I heard and my mom said that she was worried sick about me .

My mom also said she wouldn't let him kick me out no matter what . Even if he leaves her . Yup that's my mom . She's literally the best person ever like she's been through so much for me and I couldn't thank her enough .

Honestly I wanted to cry when I heard her say that . The fact that she's willing to leave her lover for me just means a lot . She told me if it was okay with Ms Jeon then I can stay over until I'm ready to go home .

Your mom obviously said yes .

My mother then said she'd talk to us later . I hug your mom right after the hug and thank her so much because I needed that phone call.

I feel kinda bad because Ive stayed at your place for 3 days now and I don't want to be a burden so I'm going home soon . Even though your mom said she loves when I stay over , I can't help but feel guilty . Junghyun and you father walk into he kitchen with bags of food .

Guess what ! They bought me chilli cheese fries . The fact that they know my favorite food just shows they love me . And I love you all so so so much . Junghyun not as much .

He's been taking advantage of the fact that you're not around and bullies me .  I'm kidding though I still love the kid he just irritates me sometimes . Okay I have to confess about something .

You know that baby picture of yourself that used to be in your wallet up until you lost it ? Yea about that .. you didn't lose it because I stole it from you . Look I'm sorry but you were too cute with your pouty lips and coconut hair that you still rock .

I couldn't resist it. To be honest I'm not that sorry because I was cleaning your room yesterday a found something . I found my baby picture .

The one where I was riding a carousel with my pink shirt . That picture is so embarrassing I can't believe you to took it . Hey at least we're even .

Not gonna lie tho I feel really happy that you took it I don't know why . But you know what made my heart go crazy ? I turned the photo around to see something written on the back .

'my babygirl'.

And I swear I felt like crying at how cute that was . I find it ironic considering that fact that I have ' my babyboy ' written on my pic of you ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now