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" Junghyun is mad at me for keeping you here still . He believes you don't want to stay anymore . I just wish there was a way where you could communicate with me .

There's only 6 days left until they turn off the machines . Why does time go by so fast ? God Jeongguk why'd you have to get into that freaking car accident .

Couldn't you have just walked . Those people who crashed into you were never found and I hate that . How can someone cause major accident and leave ? That's just so cruel .

You shouldn't be where you are . This world is so unfair . Why do the bad things always happen to the most generous people? I wish I could go back in time and prevent this .

I just want to see you happy Jeongguk . You're really strong . I know this for a fact so please fight for me just a little more.

Only if you want to be here . Fight . You can win this . I'll be here next to you . Cheering you on. So when you do win , I can see that beautiful smile again . I can see you live again."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now