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" My parents told me that they wouldn't be home so I decided to go to the corner cafe again .

It had been three days after I met you . I was hoping to see you but when I got there I was quickly disappointed when I didn't .

I waited in line to get my order which is just iced chai tea latte and a croissant. My order was $5.36 so I look for my ten dollar bill that I thought I brought with me . I couldn't find it anywhere so I was about to cancel my order when someone behind me said ' add an iced caramel macchiato with it' and slid 20 dollars .

I turned around to see you . At the time I didn't know why I was kinda happy to see you . The worker handed you our drinks and you handed me mine with my croissant. I asked you why did you buy my food and you said it's because you feel bad since you took my pen .

I sat down at my usual spot and you came to sit next to me . We started talking , asking questions about each other and that's when I found out something . You weren't in high school but you were in college. I had told you that I was a 11th grader and was surprised you didn't stop talking to me since I was younger . At the time I was 17 and you were 20 . You told me many things about yourself as I did the same .

I don't know why I was opening up to a stranger so quickly but something about you intrigued me . Later on you decided to walk me home since it was late and my parents were still at work . The air was quiet but not an awkward silence . You started humming a melody and oh my god it was so beautiful. We then made it to my house and bid our farewells .

You know what the cutest thing was , the fact you waited for me to get inside my house and lock my door before walking away ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now