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" Miss ?"

" Miss please get up . Visiting hours ended a while ago ."

The young girl woke up confused but quickly realized she fell asleep bedside to Jeongguk .

She looked at the digital clock beside her to see it was 12am .

What ?

Did she really sleep for 3 hours .

Visiting hours ended at 9pm .

" Miss I'm sorry but I'm being told to ask you to leave ."

The girl looked up to see a familiar face .

It was his nurse .

She looked up at the nurse and nodded , quickly apologizing for staying late .

" Wait ," the nurse called to her .

She turned back and looked towards the nurse .

The nurse sighed before speaking .

" It's late if you want you can stay in the break room with me until visiting hours start at 4am . You can rest there if you'd like . The couch there is actually really comfy," she offered the young girl .

At first she was hesitant but she really did not want to waste any time that she has left to be with Jeongguk so she nodded at the nurse .

The nurse smiled and motioned for her to follow .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now