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" I honestly felt so guilty because it seemed like I would always burden you and go to you with my issues .

But you always knew how to comfort me .

There was this one night a few months back where I was woken up at two am by my phone ringing . I checked the caller ID to see that it was you .

Right off the bat I knew something was up. You never call later than nine pm because in your words it was past my bedtime .

You always used to tease me which annoyed me then but now I really miss it .

Anyways I answered asking what was up . You told me to go open my front door then ended the call . So I went down stairs as quietly as I possibly could because I didn't want to wake up my parents and opened the door .

To my surprise I see you out of breath with a busted lip . ' can I come in ?' you asked me . Obviously I let you in and that's when I noticed your busted knuckles .

I told you to keep quiet and follow me . You nodded and followed right behind . I lead you to my room and said I'll be back . Soon enough I got back to my room locked the door and walked up to you with a first aid kit .

You were laying down on my bed sighing .

I asked you if you were okay while grabbing your hand to treat the wounds . You nodded while trying to sit up .

After that was silence .

I was treating your injuries while you stared at me . Honestly I was dying to know what happened but I felt like I shouldn't ask you .

After I finished treating your knuckles I wiped the blood off of your lip and put Neosporin on it . I glance up to your eyes to find you already staring at mine .

It was like that for a couple of seconds before you broke the contact and hugged me tight . I was caught off guard but hugged you back .

Then suddenly I felt warm drops on my neck . It took me a second to comprehend that you were crying .

I was going to let go to see if you were okay but you just held me tighter .

My mind was telling me this isn't right but my heart wouldn't let me stop .

At that moment I knew I've fallen hard for you .

I knew with that would come pain and consequences because of our age difference . But it was too late .

Once you've fallen hard , there's no way you can forget the feelings . I was snapped back into reality when you started sniffling . ' what's wrong Jeongguk ' I asked . You then let go to look me in my eyes and say ' I've messed up ' .

I was going to question you more but you insisted me not to .

You then asked me if you can stay over for the night and I allowed you to .

If we're being honest , I would've forced you to stay anyways it was too late for you to be out .

You layed down on my bed again and patted the empty spot next to you . I quickly layed down next to you .

We just look at each other before you pull me closer . You whispered a goodnight before closing your eyes .

I did the same and turned to look at the ceiling. A smile crept to my face when I remembered that when we were hugging , I felt your heart beating rapidly as if it was mimicking mine .

Now it could've been because you were crying or because you just had got in a fight but there is a feeling in my gut that told me otherwise . And you know what they say about a woman's gut ,
It never lies ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now