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' Oh my god where is he'

The girl has been searching for Jeongguk for almost 20 minutes and she couldn't find him .

And yes she did try calling him but of course he doesn't pick up .

Luckily she spots a familiar face .

" Hey Joon have you seen gguk anywhere ?"

" No but he probably is in the kitchen playing beer pong ."

" Alright thank you ," and she walks off ... well was about to until something caught her eye .

The boy she's been looking for .... with his arm around a girl she's never seen before .

Not jumping to conclusions she walks away and let's them be .

" Hey there little one ," someone said while wrapping their arm over her shoulder .

" God Tae you just gave me a mini heart attack ."

" Did I ?

" Yup."

" Why aren't you with ggukie ?" he questioned her .

" I don't know I guess I lost him ."

" Oh he's over there ," tae pointed to where the boy was .

" He seems a little busy . I don't want to interrupt anything ."

" Shut up ," he said then dragged her to where the man of the hour was .

" Hey gguk ."

" Oh tae ! ," jeongguk looks to at the figure besides taehyung " You found shortie ."

Taehyung squeezed her wrist before saying " Yea I was passing by and then I seen a beautiful being , turns out it was this munchkin ."

The girl was so caught up on jeongguk's arm wrapped around another female's waist that she almost didn't catch what taehyung said ....

Yea almost .

She quickly shot her eyes up to his face .

Tae winked at her .

Then she remembered him gripping her wrist .

Oh . He's playing around .

Good .

Jeongguk gives taehyung a questioning look .

" Were you disappointed?"

Ouch .

" Nah , it makes it easier to admire her beauty up close ."

' dang it tae shut up before your words actually get to me '

" Hyung ... you know she's off limits ."

' HUH'

" Isn't she like five ? You're interested in that kid ," the girl leaching onto jeongguk decided she can join the convo .

Yea , wrong move .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now