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" Jeongguk I really need you right now. I'm just so lost and your advice would be very helpful but of course you can't respond and I understand . Just listen to me .

Yesterday after I got back home from the hospital visiting you , my mom and stepdad were arguing badly . You know when you argue with someone and things slip out ? Well yeah my stepdad had a little ' slip ' yesterday .

You won't believe what he said . I mean I still can't believe it .

He said that he'll only stay with my mom if she kicks me out and that he's tired of seeing my face . I literally don't know what I did to make him say that . But i know it's because I'm not his biological child . Still though I loved him as if he was my father .

It hurts Jeongguk . It hurts so bad . After hearing his words I immediately ran to your house . You dont live so close to me but i had to get away and your place had always been my safe zone mainly because you were there . This time you weren't .

Your mom answered the door and let me in asking me what's wrong since I had been crying . I couldn't tell her the full truth so I just said that I was missing you which was part of it . She then hugged me while saying she did as well very much and told me to spend the night in your room .

So I did as told. I went up to your room put on one of your hoodies sorry but you know I love your hoodies and crawled into the sheets of your bed . I was staring at the ceiling mid-thought when someone barged into your room .

It was Taehyung , your best friend . He said he left his game controller there and was just picking it up . But then he looked at my face and noticed the tears .

I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by him .

He told me to stop crying and that you'll wake up soon which caused me to cry more . He broke the hug and said that he knows for sure you are .

But what he said after that is what caught me off guard.

That you would force yourself just for me . I asked him how would he know and he replies saying because you loved me more than anybody else .

My heart felt like it was going to explode . I don't know if it's true or not but I for sure know that I feel the same Jeongguk . I love you more than anyone and anything. And I'm mad at myself for not letting you know this before your accident ."

She gripped his left hand with both of hers .

"Matter of fact I don't think I just love you Jeongguk , I think I'm in love with you . "

Her grip on his hand got tighter while her tears stream down . As she loosens her hold on his hand , she could've swore she felt him squeeze back for a second .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now