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Somehow they made it back to the girl's home without saying a word to each other .

No words were exchanged during the car ride home.

Jeongguk dragged here to the car and drove to her house.

Kinda ironic since he was also the person to drag her to the party .

The girl was still flustered about him calling her his girl to even notice they left the party 30 minutes ago .

" So now you're ignoring me ?"

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to him , but she still couldn't respond .

He had caught her off guard .

" Look I'm sorry okay I don't know why she felt the need to say something to you when she doesn't even know you . Heck she didn't even know me . She just threw herself on me and I couldn't find a way out of the situation with out hurting her feelings and i-"

" It's okay Jeongguk you don't need to explain yourself to me ," she cut him off .

They were both standing in the middle of her bedroom facing each other , as he took a few steps foward .

" But why do I feel like I need to ."

She couldn't reply .

The way his familiar dark orbs stared into hers was different today .

Him inching closer wasn't helping her focus either .

" You know when hyung called you beautiful  , i for some reason really wanted to rip his head off ."

Jeongguk intertwines one of his hands with hers before continuing, " My heart was beating so fast I'm pretty sure she must've felt it and that's probably why she felt the need to tell you off . She seen you as a threat ."

" Why would she see me as a threat ?"

" Because at that moment she knew my heart belongs to you ."

He grabs hold of her other hand and places it on his chest to where his heart is located .

" Look what you're doing to me shortie . Feel it . My heart goes wild whenever you're around ."

She gasps when he moves their hands from his chest and places them on her heart . Her palm on her chest and his palm on hers .

" Seems like mine isn't the only one wildn' out shortie ."

She finally speaks up .

" Well of course not ," she avoids eye contact, " I've already confessed my feelings to you ."

Jeongguk smiles at her flustered state , finding her cuter than usual .

He lifts her face up to his .

" I know shorty and I don't think I could wait any longer ."

He glances down at her lips before looking back into her eyes .

" I wanna kiss you so bad right now ."

" Then kiss me ."

That's exactly what he did .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now