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" I miss when we'd hang out . You were always so energetic like you loved to work out and play sports . I , not so much . But with you I felt so motivated .

Majority of the time you would force me to . Especially when we'd hang out with your friends Jin , Namjoon , Yoongi , Hobi , Jimin and Taehyung . Since it was seven of you guys , you'd make me tag along so it could be even .

We'd always play basketball or go bowling . Usually you'd bug me to be on your team but I loved going against you.

To be honest I just wanted to be on any team that has Jin because that man is hilarious.

Him and Yoongi are probably my favorite to team up with . But I noticed that they always teamed up with you so I'd end teaming with you as well .

Our team would always win especially in basketball because that's the one thing I'm good at and yoongi is the best basketball player out of us all .

Taehyung texted me this morning asking me if I wanted to hang with the boys later . I can't help but to think he only did that out of pity.

None of the boys have ever hit me up to hang out . It would be you who showed up at my school or at my door unexpectedly to force me to tag along .

I think imma go but I don't know it would kinda feel weird with out you since they're your friends . I'll let you know if I end up going or not .

You know I wonder if you're even listening to me . Like if you are , am I annoying you ? I hope not . Jeongguk you're the only one who I can talk to . You're the only one who was willing to listen and the only one who was there for me through it all

. I would always come to you but it just wasn't this often . We'd see each other like twice a week . And now it's just me coming almost every day to rant and keep you updated .

Now that I'm thinking about it I'm kind of annoying. But I'd feel guilty if I don't come see you . Like something is telling me to be here .

My friends are trying to make plans with me but I decline . Mina is the only one who understands and I'm grateful for that . If I do go over to hang with the boys then I'mma ask her to tag along I mean it's only right .

Ugh life is so stressful with out you . I wonder how I did it before you were in the picture . Actually I take that back . It was worse . I used to keep everything in and cry during the night time .

That hasn't happened since we crossed paths . God how I wish I were the one in your position. You didn't deserve this Jeongguk. If only you could just open your eyes and look at me again . How I miss looking into them . They were intimidating but inviting when I needed comfort .

But I know you'll open them soon . You will lock eyes with mine again . And not just in my dreams . I have a feeling . Your family aren't quite sure since it's been a while but I still have faith . I'm always going to be here waiting . I don't care if I have to wait another day , month , or year . Imma be sitting right here in this very spot .

I'll be there when the day comes . Always and forever ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now