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She's now at the hospital. Well the waiting room to be more specific .

People were staring at her as she continued to sob thinking about him .

Visiting hours weren't until another 6 hours and she was willing to wait all night in cold waiting room until then .

Her mind was on him .

She needed to see him .

There probably won't be a next time so she's not taking any chances .

Mrs Jeon's words playing in her head as she tried to understand her .

She gets where the elder is coming from but still couldn't understand how she'd given up on her youngest son so quickly .

Nine months might be a long time to others but to her it was too short .

" Hey what are you doing here at this time ? You should be home ."

She looked up to see Junghyun .

" Leave me alone . I know your mother sent you . "

" Okay maybe you're right. But don't you think what she said was right ? " Junghyun sighed at the younger .

" I get where she's coming from but I don't think it's right junghyun . You can't just give up on him . " she said turning away .

" Give up on him . Is that what you think ? We are not giving up on him . "

He turned her head so she could face him .

" We just want him to rest . What if he's hurting . You may want him here but does he want to be here ? "

" You don't know what he wants so shut up okay I'm not leaving ."

" Stop being so selfish ! You say you care for him but you just want him here for your sake ! "

What junghyun just said really hit her deep .

Was she being selfish ?

Is she really hurting him ?

No that can't be .

She could never hurt him .

All she wants is for him to be happy .

But is he happy here ?

Does he want me to leave him ?

She'll do whatever he wants and if that means leaving .

Then she will .

She will leave even though she knows she's not ready to let go .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now