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The girl found her self waking up for the second time that morning only to be alone once again .

She felt slightly disappointed but still was happy at the fact they even talked .

After stretching , she heads downstairs to see if anybody's up and to find Jeongguk .

" Finally sleeping beauty woke up ," Jeongguk says as he sees her enter the living room .

" When did you wake up ?"

" About an hour ago I think ."

She hums as a response and sits next to him on the sofa .

" No shortie get up and go get dressed we are going to the corner cafe for breakfast so hurry I'm hungry ," he says while pouting .

She nodded and dashed upstairs.


The duo just had walked inside the cafe .

" Go find us a spot while I order our usuals ."

The girl nods and heads to the table by the window .

Jeongguk came back with an iced chai latte for her  and iced americano not forgetting to get two croissants for them to munch on .

They ate in silence .

For some reason it was still awkward.

She couldn't handle it anymore so she decided to speak up .

" Why is it so weird now ?"

He looks up at her .

" I don't know ," the boy says while sighing .

She looks down before saying , " Is it because of my confession? I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm so sorry ."

She bit her lip to keep herself from crying .

" To be honest ," he took a breath in before speaking again , " It's just a little much for me to take in . I was borderline dead for over nine months and you were there every single day . You were the only one who didn't lose hope . At times when you were feeling doubtful i just wanted to hug you and tell you please don't leave me but I couldn't . I didn't need to . You were still too stubborn to accept any thought of me leaving anyways . And now I'm scared . I'm scared that I've found myself needing you around . I'm scared because now it feels foreign for you to go home and stay there for a couple days before I can hear your voice again . I even made my mom call you over and stall for me just so I can feel you there . So here's your answer . Shortie , I think I've fallen for you hard ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now