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" Your mom and I were looking at old photos when we came across a special picture.

It was of me and you .

As a matter of fact it was the very first selfie we ever took with us two .

Our parents had got together for another dinner at your place . It was the my first time going over . The adults were preparing dinner while we were in the upstairs living room playing video games .

You had asked me to play with you . I play video games but the one you had was one I was unfamiliar with so I told you that you should play first .

Then all of the sudden you leave the room only to come back with an extra controller . You threw one at me and said that we both can play .

After a while we got called down for dinner . I was relieved because it was kinda frustrating for me to lose over and over again while you teased me about it . But right when dinner finished you dragged me back upstairs to play .

Lord must have been on my side because as soon as you turn on game console , somebody had sent you a request to join them . You ask me if it was okay and I obviously said yes . I just sat there watching you play and it was really adorable how You'd get all excited when you were in the lead . Eventually you won and exited the stream .

You turned to me and I pretended to be on my phone. I hear you sigh before you called me .

I look up at you and you were pouting at me .

Oh my God I wanted to squish you so bad . That was the cutest thing ever. Anyways I asked you what's wrong and you said that you wanted my attention. When I tell you my heart literally skipped a beat , I mean it jeongguk. I then said to you that my attention was all yours and you started smiling so hard before leaning onto my shoulder .

All I could do was stare at you. I mean what does one say at a situation like this .

Somebody texted you which caused you to take your phone out and answer it .

So I go back on my phone . You then tell me to look at your phone . As soon as I look I hear a ' click' sound .

You really took a photo of us faceswaping while I was not ready . I was begging you to delete it but you refused not only that but you made it your wallpaper . I was just about to yell at you when your older brother walks in to tell us that I'm leaving . We follow him downstairs and you kept giggling while I was glaring at you .

Our families said goodbye and we leave your house . On the car ride home I was thinking about the photo and wondering why I kinda liked the fact you set it as your wallpaper . This was a long story huh ? Alright I gotta get going but I'll be back tommorow. In the mean time , dream about what makes you happy tonight okay ? "

She leans down to place a kiss on his forehead before leaves the room .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now