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The young girl was back at the Jeons home .

She was sitting on the sofa in the living room because Mrs Jeon wanted to speak with her .

All of the sudden , she started to feel nervous .

What could Mrs Jeon want to talk about ?

She had already made up with her family .

Is Mrs Jeon tired of her staying over ?

But her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Mrs Jeon spoke up .

" Sweetie there's something we need to talk and I know you're not going to like it but you have to hear me out . "

The girls heart started to race .

" What is it ? Do you want me to leave ? Because I sure can I didn't mean to burden you . "

" Oh no sweetie . You know you're always welcome here and don't you ever think of yourself as a burden . I see you as my daughter and don't forget that. But that's not what we need to talk about . "

The elder took a deep breath before continuing .

" There's no easy way to say this but I think it's time to let Jeongguk go . He's been in a coma for 9 months now and it could be longer if we allow it to be . There hasn't been any progress and the doctors think there won't be any soon . I know it'll hurt . It's hurting me just thinking of it and I know it'll probably hurt you the most but you've got to let him go . Maybe it's for the best . Waiting on him to wake up isn't helping . You're just getting your hopes up for nothing . The medical bills are getting higher each day for nothing and I - "

" No no no stop talking nonsense please don't tell me you're serious . How could you not have faith in him . I know ggukie will wake up stop it . If this is about the medical bills I'll help.  I'll get a job and pay it off with you guys . I can't let you do this . I can't let you take his life like this .  I can't let you take him away from me please don't do this . Not for me but for him . I know he'll wake up soon . He's strong. If he wants to leave then his heart will stop beating but I can still feel his heart beat . He's fighting for his life right now and you're worried about some bills ?" The girl interrupted Mrs Jeon with tears streaming down her face .

" What no ! It's not about the bills honey he would stay like that forever if we let him . His heart is still beating do to all of the machines he has attached to him . Don't you feel bad seeing him like this. Don't you feel like he wants to rest . He's probably hurting . I can't bare to see him with wires connected to him anymore . I'm tired of forcing him to stay when it seems like he wants to leave already . Please think about what I'm telling you . I'll give you time to say what you want to him . But I can't keep forcing him to stay any longer . Sweetie please take what I'm saying into consideration . I just want what's best for him , " his mother finished . Her voice cracking at the last sentence .

" I'm leaving . "

The stubborn girl ran out the house and straight to the hospital  which was not in walking distance but she doesn't care .

All she cares about is the boy who's she's fallen for .

And his life which is about to get taken away , forever.

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now