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The girl found her self at the Jeon's front door .

She doesn't know why she's so hesitant to ring the door bell .

But she rings it anyways .

As expected the door opens shortly after .

She just didn't expect Junghyun to be the one opening it .

He only smiles and opens the door more so she can get in . Then he goes upstairs to his room .

She'd expected him to at least say a sly remark and not act like they didn't literally see each other two days ago .

" Mrs . Jeon ?"

She walked around the house looking for the person who called her over but she couldn't find her .

'Maybe she's in one of the boys room ?'

The girl lightly knocked on one brother's room .

No response .

She knocked again , calling his name as well .

" Junghyun ?"

" Yes ?" said a voice from behind her .

He was coming from Jeongguk's room .

" Do you know where your mom is at ? She called me over but I can't find her ."

" Oh yeah she stepped out to pick up Jeongguk's prescription . She should be back soon ," he answered her .

With that the girl nodded and walked away .

Well almost walked away .

Until she heard ,

" Don't miss a step on your way down ... or do ."

And he's back .

This is the Junghyun she's used to . Not the awkward one from a minute ago .

She couldn't help but smile to her self on the way down the stairs .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now