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" What did she do to you ? Did she hurt you ? I mean you look fine but I don't trust her . I hope she didn't say anything stupid even though we both know that's asking too much .

Never in a million years did I expect to come and see her with you . I wouldn't be mad if she was here because she's genuinely worried but she wasn't . Or at least it didn't seem like it .

She wants you back . Isn't it too late ? If you still want her then I'm not stopping you I just don't want to see you hurt . What am I saying ? That's even if you wake up . I've lost some hope . But a little is still there .

You're a strong person I know you can do this but something is keeping you from doing so . What is it ? Are you scared ? Of what ? Its kinda the same still but totally not for me since my life literally sucks with out you . But you can get up and tell me you don't want me and I'll leave you alone .

All I care for is you to be awake . Leave me lonely then I'll be fine . You can do whatever you want . Does this all sound repetitive to you ? Well it is to me .

But I'd rather me say this all over again for every day of my life than to lose you . I'm so stuck on the thought of you that there's no such thing as a distraction to me my love ."

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now