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" So I ended up hanging out with the boys and brought mina along . I wonder if it was a good idea because she's been talking about Taehyung non-stop . She totally has a crush on him .

I don't blame her for it though . He was being too nice to her . Some might mistaken it as if he was flirting . Heck they even added each other on Snapchat . And he was the one to ask her for it .

I don't see anything wrong with it . She is 19 but then again he's 23. Yeah she's older than me by a year but acts as if she's 10 years older .

That's something you two have in common . No that's something everybody has . I'm the youngest one in the group . It gets annoying when you guys tease me and the fact that I'm so short doesn't help . Y'all are some bullies but I guess I still love you guys .

It was cute when you'd tease me because for some reason you'd think it was funny .

And I love your laugh . There isn't one thing I don't love about you .

My stupid heart is obsessed with your existence . Everytime I'm near you , it doesn't know how to act . It beats so fast sometimes I think I'm going to have a heart attack just looking at you .

Is that normal ?

I don't know . I've never felt this way before . My heart only acts up when I'm near you . I can't control it . I think I know why it does this but do I want to admit it ? I don't know either .

Sometimes I find myself just thinking about you during the most random times . That's probably so weird oh my God I hope I don't sound creepy . It's just that I um sorta like you ? You would always tease me about how you knew I had a crush on you but I wonder if you actually knew that it was true .

It wasn't always like that . It wasn't until our more recent encounters . I guess the more comfortable we got with each other , the more my feelings grew . Anyways I- "

" Miss is it okay if I change his IV and check on him for a few minutes ? " his nurse asked me .

" Of course. It's time for me to head home anyways ."

She leans down to leave a kiss on the sleeping boy's forehead .

" I'll be back tomorrow ggukie ."

She then gets up to leave but right before she does , the nurse speaks up , " You must really mean so much to him because whenever you're near him , his heart rate increases majorly . Its as if he could feel you . "

The young girl looks at the nurse , stunned . Yet so happy that there's a chance he was listening all along .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now