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Jeongguk didn't spend the night .

After the kiss , they talked for a little and started to get tired .

Although she and Jeongguk always shared a bed , he for some reason refused .

Waking up this morning the girl couldn't help but feel a little sad .

' Does he regret kissing me ? Is that why he dipped ?'

Still bummed out , the girl decided to get out of bed and do her morning routine .


While brushing her teeth , she hears two familiar voices talking to her mom down stairs .

She quickly finished up and went to find the owners of the voices .

' Mrs . Jeon and Jeongguk ?'

" Oh good morning sleeping beauty ," Mrs.Jeon calls at her .

Jeongguk quickly snaps his head towards her direction and immediately smiles when they make eye contact .

" Good morning Mrs.Jeon ," she said as she hugs the elder lady .

" Cute pjs shortie ," Jeongguk teases her as he goes over to her side and slips his hand into hers .

The girl looks down while blushing .

This didn't go unnoticed by the two moms who happen to be smirking .

" So Jeongguk is there a reason you wanted to talk to both of us ? ," your mother questions him .

" Yes son I would like to know why you wanted to bring me here so eagerly ."

The youngest looks up at him , slightly tilting her head .

" Okay it here goes . Well you see auntie I really like your daughter a-,"

" Hmm like ?" Mrs . Jeon interrupts him .

" Yes like no wait I might even be in love with her and I wanted both of you guys to know this before I take her out tonight ."

Both of the mothers squeal .

Meanwhile the girl is staring at him with her jaw dropped .

He faces her once again and asks , " with that being said , shortie will you go out on a real date with me , tonight ?"

Before she could even open her mouth , both of the moms shout " YES !"

" Well there's your answer ," she says looking down .

" Okay that's enough you two . Mrs. Jeon my bestfriend , please leave my house and take your son with you , my daughter's got a date to get ready for ," her mother concluded before dragging her daughter upstairs .

Jeongguk looked up at them amused before his own mother yanked him out the home squealing .

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