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The next day she woke up really early to go see him again.

When she opened the door to his room she seen someone who she'd never expected to see .

Jeongguk's ex girlfriend .

The girl who he was once head over heels for .

Her name was Jieun .

The girl despises her .

Not because she was jealous but because Jieun broke his heart .

She must admit that she's a little envious of her since she was his first love .

But why is she here now ?

I guess there's nothing wrong with an ex girlfriend visiting her ex boyfriend who's in the hospital.

" Whatever ," the girl huffed out and took a seat in the waiting room .

While she waits I guess you'd wanna know the history between them .

Once upon a time Jieun and Jeongguk were dating .

It was before the girl was in the picture .

Jieun was the one who got at him first .

She's also older than Jeongguk .

He decided to give her a chance and actually fell hard for her .

They were a perfect couple .

Well that was before Jieun cheated on him .

Now you can put one and one together .

She broke him .

It takes a second before the girl dashes into the room .

" What are you doing here ?," she asked Jieun .

" So you're her huh ? ," Jieun questioned .

" What are you talking about ?"

" You're the one who's holding him from coming back to me . Tell me how'd you do it ? He never lays his eyes on someone younger and look at you . You've managed to catch his attention little girl ."

" Maybe because we're good friends ? Or it could just be because I would never even think about hurting him in any possible way . No it's probably because he's not into you no more get over it . You lost your shot with him . Come on you waited till his last days to come and see him ? Now you're saying you want him back ?"

" That isn't any of your business. Sweetie he's not gonna date you . You're still a baby . So don't get your hopes up . Anyways give me a call when he gets up ok ? Bye bye ." Jieun pinched the girl's cheek and left the room .

The girl sat down by Jeongguk and sighed .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now