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"Mom hurry I've been waiting for 30 minutes now ." The girl complained to her mother .

" I'm done I just need to grab the cake so we can drop it off at the Jeons afterwards."

After her mother gets the cake , the two rush into the car and head to the hospital.

Or at least that's what the girl thought .

" What are you doing ?" she asks her mother .

" I just have to pick up something . I won't take long ."

Her mother went into the convenience store and quickly came out with a plastic bag .

She was about to ask what was in the bag when her mother mentioned that they were about to be late .

Late ? For what ?

Visiting hours barely started .

Not thinking much of it , the girl shrugged it off and focused on the soft music playing in the background .

Finally they made it to their destination.

The hospital.

But what's confusing the girl is why her mom told her to bring the cake along with them .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now