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It's been two hours and Mrs . Jeon wasn't back yet so she decided to call her .

She didn't answer .

The girl was getting bored so she decided to go bother Junghyun .

His bedroom door was open so she thought of sneaking in and scaring him .

She entered and hid against the wall while slowly peaking her head out .

That's when she had noticed Jeongguk in the room .

' Abort mission' she thought but her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a voice say ,

" Uh what are you doing ?"

' Gosh dang it'

" Oh uhm I was just going to ask if you were um hungry ," she replied to Junghyun .

By now the other lad had noticed her and was staring at her confused with her actions .

" Then why were you - never mind . I'm not hungry but I know that's your way of asking me to order pizza so I will but you owe me ugly ."

The girl stuck her tongue at him and ran back to the living room .

As she sat down on the couch she quickly became sad .

How could he not say anything to her ?

Maybe she should make the first move ?

' No . I mean he's been avoiding me . Maybe it's true I scared him away . I scared my bestfriend away .'

And that's when the tears started to fall .

She dashed out to the backyard because she couldn't risk getting caught crying .

As soon as she was out , she fell down to her knees and broke down .

Wake Up ; J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now