Chapter Two

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I woke up to my alarm on my phone ringing loudly

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I woke up to my alarm on my phone ringing loudly. I quickly got dressed for work. I took off my wedding ring and put it in the drawer before heading downstairs.

I saw Taeyong sitting in the living room, drinking coffee and reading a file. He glanced at me and I looked away.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lee," A lady in her mid-thirties said politely. "My name is Minhee, I'm your maid, so please let me know if you need anything."

"Good morning Minhee," I said with a smile. "Please call me Miyeon."

She nodded and smiled.

"Would you like something for breakfast?" She asked.

"Ah, no, thank you," I said. "I don't usually eat breakfast."

"Alright," She said

I left for work. I was going to a client's house to discuss a new project. I followed my GPS and arrived at my client's mansion.

I rang his doorbell and a young man opened the door. He was extremely handsome and looked only a year or two younger than me.

"Good morning, you must be Miss Cho Miyeon," He said politely and shook my hand. "My name is Lee Know. Please come in."

I followed him to his living room and took a seat on the leather couch.

"Miss Cho," He said. "I believe you're an interior designer as well?"

"Yes, I am," I said.

"Well, I'd like you to design my room," He said. "I'm pretty bored of how it looks. There's a large empty room here that I'd like to make my new room as, follow me."

I nodded and went upstairs with him. The room was indeed very big. He helped me with the dimensions of the empty room and I took notes of it. I asked him what he was interested in so that I could design something that suited his tastes. We had a lot in common.

He offered to buy me lunch and I politely agreed. We went to a posh restaurant just a kilometer away from his house. We got to know each other and he was indeed a very fun person. It felt like I'd known him from a very long time. I didn't tell him that I was married. Like Taeyong said, I'm just a woman living in his house.

After lunch, me and Minho, as he requested me to call him that, hung out in his house and watched a movie with his brother, Felix. Lee Know was only 20 years old and his brother who lived in his house as well, was 19. They seemed cautious of what they told me, but I ignored it. I wasn't bothered by it, anyway.

It was around 5 p.m. when I left. I was glad that I made new friends.

When I got home, Taeyong was making out with some chick on the couch. The clicking of my heels interrupting them.

"Yongie, who is she?" The chick asked in an irritated tone.


"I'm his family friend," I immediately said, cutting Taeyong off. "Please continue."

I rushed to my room and suddenly broke down. Why did it hurt so much to see him with someone else? I don't even like him.

I pulled myself together and worked on designing Lee Know's room. I didn't know when I had fallen asleep.


End of chapter two.

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