Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I tried to pull away, but he was too strong

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I tried to pull away, but he was too strong. I could sense the urgency in his kiss. I knew what was happening.

He was saying goodbye.

I gave into the kiss, a tear escaping my eye. He pulled away and hugged me tight before I felt him getting shot. He whimpered in pain. Bang Chan shot him.

"Minho? N-No...!" I said, as he collapsed onto the ground, lying in his forming pool of blood. I fell to my knees, holding his hand.


"P-Please don't g-go," I said, the tears continuously rolling down my face. "Please."

"I'm sorry..." He said and smiled slightly, tears running down his face as well.


"I love you..." He said softly before he accepted death's invitation.

"Minho... MINHO?!" I screamed in pain. I held his hand as I cried hard.

Suddenly, a small ball rolled towards me, releasing a lot of choking, blinding smoke, making us all cough. A ticking sound could be heard. I saw Bang Chan running off with Woojin. Someone pulled me by the hand and away from Lee Know, running out of the house. They ushered me into the backseat of the car before the house exploded into pieces.

"Lee Minho..." I murmured as I watched the house disappear from my view. I broke down into tears. Someone was holding me tightly to their chest. I glanced up to see Taeyong, looking gloomy. I cried in his arms till I fell asleep.


I woke up in Taeyong's room. The memories of yesterday filled my mind as I broke into tears again. Taeyong entered my room, holding a bottle of water. He hesitantly sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Are you... mad at me?" I asked softly.

"No," He said. "Why would I be?"

"Cause I... I-I kissed Minho..."

"It's okay," He said, stroking my head.

"I'm sorry T-Taeyong."

"Don't be."


"I said it's fine," He said, kissing me gently. "I understand that he was important to you and I know you kissed him back cause he was saying goodbye."


"Yeah, so don't worry," He said and sighed. "Bang Chan and Woojin managed to escape. I should've just shot them directly."

"I know, I saw them run off."

"We're trying our best to track them down," He said, kissing my head before walking over to his closet. He pulled out a gun and handed it to me. "You must have this with you at all times."

I nodded as I admired the thin black and silver gun. Bang Chan and Woojin, I will be the one to kill you.


End of chapter twenty-nine.

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