Chapter Three

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The next morning after I got ready and went downstairs, I noticed a lot of men sitting in the living room

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The next morning after I got ready and went downstairs, I noticed a lot of men sitting in the living room. There were ten of them, including Taeyong. They stopped talking and looked at me. I felt really awkward. Minhee noticed and came towards me.

"Good morning Miyeon," She said.

"Good morning," I said. "Could I have something to eat? I accidentally fell asleep last night."

"I know," She said. "I made breakfast for you."

I sat at the dining table and quickly ate the pancakes. I met Taeyong's friends who worked for him. They introduced themselves as Yuta, Johnny, Taeil, Jaehyun, Winwin, Doyoung, Kun, Ten and Lucas.

I recognized Lucas immediately. "Wong Yukhei, it's been a while."

"Huh? How do you know me?" He asked in confusion and then his face lit up. "Miyeon? You look so different!"

"Yukhei, you saw me just a year ago," I said and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes, but you dyed your hair!"

"Yukhei you've known me since the day you started dating my best friend, which is more than two years now!"

"You're absolutely right," He said and laughed. "I was just playing around with you."

I was just about to say something when my phone started ringing loudly. I excused myself and stepped aside to answer it. Minho was calling me.


"Ah, Miyeon," He said. "Are you coming home?"

"Good morning Minho," I said sweetly. "Yes, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Alright, come fast," He said and hung up.

I turned around and there were nine pairs of eyes looking at me curiously. The tenth pair was glaring at me.

"Who's Minho, Miyeon?" Taeyong asked coldly. What is his problem? I thought he said he didn't care about what I do?

"My client," I said simply. Taeyong didn't look convinced. The rest of the boys exchanged looks.

"What kind of client?"

"I think you're forgetting that I'm an Architect," I said, starting to get annoyed. "How does it matter to you?"

"You're my wife."

Was he fucking serious right now?

"I am?" I asked an raised an eyebrow. "The last time I checked, I'm just some woman living under your roof."

"The last time I checked, we were lawfully married."

"Oh, now you care about the law?" I asked and laughed bitterly. "You're in the mafia, since when does the law even matter to you?"

He just kept quiet, his eyes glaring daggers at me.

"Well, if you have nothing else to say, I'll be leaving now," I said.

"Quit your job," He said nonchalantly. "I can support you myself."

My eyes widened. I was now fuming. I walked towards him and stood right in front of his face, not caring that his friends were watching. He was 6 inches taller than me but my heels made me come up to an inch lower than his height.

"Listen up, Lee Taeyong," I said sternly. "We agreed to stay out of each other's business and you have no rights to control me."

He seemed taken aback by my harsh tone but he still glared at me.

"I do not need or want your money and will not quit my job," I said slowly and clearly, taking a step away from him. "You can go fuck yourself."

His eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"I said, you can go fuck yourself," I said. "Now excuse me, I'm late for work."

The look on Taeyong's face was enough to tell me that no one has every spoken to him like that before.

I smirked as I left. I was proud of myself.


End of chapter three.

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