Chapter Eight

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It was a Sunday so I didn't have work today

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It was a Sunday so I didn't have work today. Yet, I was on my laptop the whole afternoon, designing a building. I decided to take a break and went downstairs to get something to eat. All the NCT boys were there, discussing something seriously. I didn't interrupt them and directly went to the kitchen. I put two pop-tarts in the toaster and waited there. The door bell rang so I went to open it. It was Taeyong's girlfriend, Seulgi.

"Move bitch," She said. She immediately pushed past me went to Taeyong. I followed her.

I noticed all the NCT boys had a similar 'what-the-actual-fuck' look on their faces upon her arrival.

"Seulgi," Yuta said coldly. "What are you doing here?"

Seulgi just rolled her eyes. "Can't I visit my boyfriend?"

Everyone frowned except me and Taeyong. He looked like he was in panic.

"What bullshit are you say-"

"Um, Seulgi," Taeyong said, cutting Jaehyun off. "I think you should go back home..."

"Taeyong you got back with her?" Johnny asked in shock. "Are you fucking kidding me? Since when?"

So they were exes as well? His taste is really bad. Sure, she's gorgeous. But that personality? Definitely not.

"From about two months ago," Seulgi answered, rolling her eyes. Taeyong looked like he was going to die any moment.

"I don't believe this..." Taeil said, just as shocked.

"Ask that bitch there then," She said, pointing to me.

Oh no she didn't. Who the fuck does she think she is?

"Excuse me?" I said in a dead serious tone as I walked towards her. I could see her confidence drop. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm Kang Seulgi," She said, trying to act all confident. "Peasants like you wouldn't have heard of me."

Now that I knew her full name, I knew exactly who she was.

"Kang Seulgi, daughter of the biggest drug dealer in the mafia business," I stated with a smirk. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at rehab."

A mix of a loud high-pitched and booming laughter filled the room. Lucas and Chenle were on the floor, laughing their asses off. I could see the others trying to control their laughter as well.

"Bitch!" Seulgi yelled before attempting to stab me with a pocket knife. I caught her hand and gripped it tightly, making her gasp in pain. She tried to remove my hand but she was too weak.

I pushed her to the ground. She lay there still for a moment before attempting to stab me in the leg. I kicked the knife out of her hand and then picked it up. I threw the knife at the wall and it went right in, leaving everyone except an impressed Yuta, dumbfounded.

"Who's the architect of your house, Taeyong?" I asked. "They did a poor job at choosing a strong material."

Taeyong just blinked at the random statement I made.

Seulgi got up and stood right in front of my face. "You will fucking pay for this."

"Try your best," I said with a smirk. She glared at me before she left.

"Miyeon, that was amazing!" Lucas said.

"Thank you!"

"I didn't know you could... use a knife that well," Yuta said. "I'm impressed."

"I may not be in the mafia, but I've been trained just as much as you guys," I said.

"How?" Jungwoo asked in confusion.

"I'm from a mafia family as well. My parents didn't involve me in their business but they made sure I got trained for my own self-defense."

They nodded.

Johnny stood up. "Well, I'd better get going now, I've got some work to do. And Taeyong?"

"Yeah?" Taeyong said.

"I'm really disappointed with you."


End of chapter eight.

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