Chapter Twenty

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Taeyong's POV

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Taeyong's POV

I went to the living room and collapsed on the couch, feeling the tears roll down my face slowly. The boys were scared. They have never seen me in this state before.

"What happened to noona?" Jisung asked quietly.

"It's clearly an assault," Ten said. "She managed to escape before it got worse."

"Yes, it is," Yuta said. "The person who attacked her, cut her hand through her top."

"A ring weapon," Haechan stated. He was our gang's expert in weaponry. 

"I'm going to fucking kill whoever hurt her," I said coldly, wiping the tears off my face. "I will torture that bastard so much that he'll remember it even after his death."

Miyeon's POV

I woke up in my bed, wondering how I got here. I was wearing one of Taeyong's t-shirts and my pajama shorts. My left hand was bandaged.

I burst into tears again, remembering what happened. The bad memories of my past now seemed so fresh. I washed my face before going downstairs. Yuqi, Minnie, Shuhua, Soyeon, Soojin and everyone in NCT was there.

As soon as they saw me, Minnie rushed to me and pulled me into a hug. She had tears in her eyes.

Taeyong was about to come to me but Taeil held him back and said something.

"How are you feeling, Miyeon?" She whispered so that only I can hear her.

I just shook my head. She pulled me to the couch and I sat down in between her and Yuqi. In just a second, I broke down again.

Yuqi held me in her arms as I cried loudly while Minnie was comfortingly stroking my back.

"Shh, it's okay," Yuqi said. "You're safe now, we're all here."

"H-He did it... a-again..." I managed to say between sobs. "I-I was just... s-sitting in the p-park..."

"Shh, calm down first," She said, wiping my tears. Lucas gave me some water to drink. After a while I calmed down. I noticed Taeyong stare at me helplessly.

I took a deep breath.

"Miyeon," Kun said. "You don't have to tell us if you aren't ready."

I just shook my head. "I'm okay."

Yuqi squeezed my hand.

I took a deep breath again. "Two years ago, I was physically abused by him. I think the girls know about it, right?"

The girls nodded.

"I was at Minho's house before I went to the park. I was sitting on a bench and didn't know that he was there until he came up to me," I said. "He forcefully kissed me and got on top of me. He had my hands pinned and then he slapped me and cut my hand, when I was trying to push him off. I kicked him a couple of times before I ran back to my car and drove here."

"He's still doing the same thing," Shuhua said.

"Did he try to shove his dirty tongue in like how he did with me?" Yuqi asked. I nodded.

"What?!" Lucas yelled. "That bastard did what?! Why haven't you told me, Yuqi?!"

"It happened years ago when I was in 11th grade," She said with a shrug.

Lucas was about to say something but Yuqi kissed him to shut him up.

"What's his name?" Renjun asked.

"Kim Woojin," Soojin said bitterly. She too was assaulted by him.

"The guy who assaulted you as well?" Yuta asked. She nodded.

"Wait," XiaoJun said, thinking about something. "Describe him."

"Oval face, broad nose, small eyes, about 175cms tall," Soyeon said. "Black hair, the last time I saw him."

I noticed all the boys realized something. They were glancing at each other.

"Stray Kids," Yangyang and Hendery said in unison.

"He's in the mafia...?" I said.

"Yes," Jaehyun said.

"How did he cut your hand, noona?" Haechan asked.

"By his ring."

He nodded and smirked. "I thought so."

"I won't let him fucking live," Taeyong spat out, getting up and going to his room. I watched him leave till he was out of sight.

"Miyeon, Soojin," Taeil said, his tone serious. "I need to have a word with you."


End of chapter twenty.

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