Chapter Ten

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When we got back from Jeju Island, Taeyong and the older members of NCT left to Daejeon for some drug deal

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When we got back from Jeju Island, Taeyong and the older members of NCT left to Daejeon for some drug deal.

The younger members decided to stay and keep me company.

"Let's play a game," Jaemin said.

"What game?" Chenle asked.

"Truth or dare?" Jaemin asked. We all agreed.

Chenle got a water bottle and we started the game.

They let me spin it first cause I was the oldest there. It landed on Lucas and Mark.

"Truth or dare, bro?" Mark asked.

"Dare, obviously," Lucas said.

"I dare you to prank call Yuqi and say that you love her or something, obviously as someone else."

"Easy, she'll get pranked really hard. Jisung, pass your phone, she doesn't have your new number," Lucas said. Jisung handed over his phone and Lucas called her and put her on speaker, placing the phone on the table.

"Hello?" Yuqi answered.

"Hello," Lucas said, skillfully changing his voice.

"Who is this?"

"The love of your life," He said. "I love you, my sweetheart."

"Ah, Euntae! Hi baby!" She said happily leaving us all dumbfounded. Euntae? Who is that?

Lucas looked confused as fuck.

"W-What?" He said.

"Baby, I told you not to call me without texting me first," She said. "Lucas might get to know about us and then you'll be dead."

Lucas just stared at us. We all were just as shocked. He looked like he was going to throw up.

"I don't understand..." Lucas mumbled.

"Yah, Lucas!" Yuqi said. "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know your voice very well even if you try to change it."

"Oh my god, babe!" Lucas half-yelled, relief on his face. "I was actually going to fucking cry and then hunt that guy down."

We all started laughing our asses off.

"Your prank backfired really badly, Lucas," I said.

"And he said Yuqi is gonna get pranked really hard," Renjun said.

"He's an idiot," Yuqi said and chuckled. "Okay, I'm doing something right now so I'll call you guys later. Bye!"

"Bye!" We all said and Lucas hung up.

We played a few more rounds till it finally landed on me.

"Truth or dare, noona?" Haechan asked.

"Truth," I said.

"Do you have a crush on someone at the moment?"

"Yeah," I said.


"You probably won't know him," I said. The boys looked confused.

"You don't like Taeyong hyung?" Mark asked.

"I don't know..." I said honestly. "I'm crushing on someone else."

"Who?" Jaemin asked. He seemed pretty concerned.

"His name is Minho," I said, blushing.

"Your client, right?" Lucas asked. "I knew there was something up."

"Yeah," I said. "How?"

"You spoke to him very sweetly on the call that day," He stated. "I know you well, you wouldn't use that tone with your clients."

"But what about Taeyong hyung?" Jisung asked.

"I have mixed feelings, I guess," I said with a shrug. "Besides, he's dating Seulgi."

"Ugh, that bitch!" Hendery said. "We all hate her."

The boys agreed.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Taeyong Hyung used to love her a lot," Mark said. "But she used him for pretty much everything. He was broken when he found out."

"And that's why Taeyong hyung seems cold-hearted," YangYang said. "But if you actually know him properly, he's a very sweet and sensitive person."

"And he likes you a lot, noona," Haechan said. "He's just scared of being hurt again."

"What?" I asked. "But Seulgi?"

"He's just dating her for a while for some weapon deal," Xiao Jun said. "He's going to break up next week when it's done."

I sighed. I felt really bad. I didn't even think about why Taeyong seemed cold towards people. I didn't even give him a chance.

I was willing to change that. I was willing to let myself love him and let him love me.

But the real question was, what if I fell in love with Lee Know instead of Taeyong?


End of chapter ten.

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