Chapter Sixteen

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"Where were you?" Soyeon asked

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"Where were you?" Soyeon asked.

"I went to the restroom," I lied. She bought it and nodded, and we continued dancing.

"Oh my god," Minnie said over the loud music and groaned. "Look who came!"

I saw Ten, Lucas, Renjun, Yuta, Jaehyun, and Taeyong making their way inside.

"They purposely came!" Shuhua whined although I could tell that she was excited that Renjun was here.

"Brilliant," Yuqi said and rolled her eyes. "Let's just pretend we haven't seen them and enjoy our night."

We took another round of shots before going back to dancing again. Soyeon, Shuhua and Soojin went to take a break while me, Minnie and Yuqi were still dancing. The DJ started playing slow, sexual songs. People were grinding and had their hands all over someone.

I felt two arms wrap around me. I knew it was Taeyong when I saw Yuqi in Lucas' arms and Minnie in Ten's. I turned in his arms and kissed him. He smirked.

"Hey," He said.

"Hi!" I said and he chuckled.

"How drunk are you?" He whispered in my ear, turning me around so his front side was pressed against my back.

"I'm a little tipsy," I said, grinding on him. He grunted in my ear.

"Good, I'll need you to be a little sober later."

"Why?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"You'll see," He said, before taking my hand and pulling me out of the crowd to where our friends were. I smiled when I saw Renjun pecking Shuhua. Yuta and Soojin were talking very closely. I rolled my eyes when I noticed tons of girls staring at Taeyong every second.

"Where's Soyeon?" I asked Soojin.

"She went home," She said. "With Jaehyun."

"We're leaving now too," Renjun said as he helped a drunk Shuhua to walk.

"Use protection!" Yuta teased, making Renjun turn hella pink in the face.

I sat on Taeyong's lap on the sofa. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. I was stroking his sharp jawline. I leaned in and kissed him. He cupped my cheek, deepening the kiss. I could taste the faint alcohol on him. My fingers tangled in his soft hair. I broke the kiss and trailed kisses to his neck, sucking the soft flesh. I heard a light moan from him. I pulled away and examined his neck, satisfied with the big, newly formed hickey.

"Marking me, baby?" Taeyong whispered in my ear. I hummed in response and he was nibbling on my ear lobe. He found his way back to my lips and kissed me once again.

"Let's get out of here," He said.


End of chapter sixteen.

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