Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"We lost him, boss," I heard someone say

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"We lost him, boss," I heard someone say.

"Fucking hell!" Another man yelled-the man who kidnapped me.

I remembered what happened before. I was drugged so that they could kidnap me. I didn't open my eyes, listening to their conversation.

"We could have killed him easily today! Easily!" The man yelled.

"Chan... he had a gun with him... and shot Jisung dead..." Another familiar voice said. Lee know?

I realized that I was kidnapped by Stray Kids.

"I don't care, Minho! I don't fucking care!" Bang Chan yelled. "I want Lee Taeyong dead!"

"Can you keep it down a bit? You might wake the girl up," Someone said.

"So let her wake up, she's been asleep for almost two days now," Bang Chan said. Two fucking days? Seriously?

It was quiet for a moment. Did they all leave? I was just about to open my eyes when Bang Chan said, "Be prepared, they're coming for us."

"We can't fight them, there's only eight of us now!" Woojin said. "We'll all die."

"No, we will make them surrender."


"The girl, you dumb-fuck!" Bang Chan yelled. "She's married to Lee Taeyong! Do you think he will let us kill her?!"

It was silent.

"That's what I fucking thought,'' Bang Chan said with a scoff. "Get the plane ready, we can't stay in Seoul for now. I have some men in Busan who-"

A loud bang was heard, startling me and the men.


I felt Hyunjin pick me up and run. I could hear many gunshots. I waited for a few seconds till he brought me into the room, before I opened my eyes and punched him hard in the eye. He dropped me and I immediately stood up, kicking him in the stomach repeatedly. He grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall. When he got closer, he ripped my shirt off. Thank God I'm wearing a bralette.

I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor, grunting in pain. I took the gun from his pocket, shot him in the knee and ran out. I tried to find my way in the huge dimly lit house. The gunshots stopped. It was pin drop silent. I slowly and cautiously walked around. I entered a dark room where will couldn't see anything.

Suddenly someone grabbed me, making me scream. The lights came on and I could see all the 21 NCT members. Bang Chan had his gun pointed to my head.

Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin and Felix were lying on the floor, dead. I wanted to break down at the sight of Felix dead. He was like a little brother to me.

"Let her go," Taeyong said, his voice laced with anger.

"No," Bang Chan snarled. "She's mine."

"She's my wife."

"Do you think I care?" Bang Chan said, pressing the gun tighter onto my head.

"Stop!" Someone yelled. Lee know came and kicked Bang Chan off me, before pulling me into a hug and kissing my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked, cupping my cheeks.

"What the fuck Minho?!" Bang Chan yelled. "Get the fuck away from her! What are you doing?!"

"No I won't."

"Why not?!"

"Because I fucking love her!" Lee know yelled. "Kill me instead, not her."

"Well this took an interesting turn huh?" Woojin said and chuckled. "Three guys in love with one girl? Tragic."

"Shut the fuck up," Taeyong said. "You've lost this fight now."

Lee know glanced at his dead brother, Felix, and smiled sadly before he crashed his lips onto mine.


End of chapter twenty-eight.

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