Chapter Nine

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The NCT boys were staying over for the next few days to discuss their new project

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The NCT boys were staying over for the next few days to discuss their new project. They didn't really speak to Taeyong much. I wanted to know why, but I decided that it wasn't any of my business.

I was going to Jeju Island for two days to submit my designs for the interior of a new luxury hotel. The owner wanted to personally meet me as well. I decided to take a flight at 6 in the morning. Everyone was asleep when I left.


"Good morning Miss Cho," The owner of the new hotel said. He was very handsome and seemed to be in his early thirties. "I'm Choi Siwon, it's a pleasure to work with you."

We shook hands and then sat down in the lounge where I showed him all the designs I had done. He was impressed and went with all my ideas. He payed me 60 million won for this one small project. Was this guy in the mafia or something?

My phone rang. Taeyong was calling but I ignored his calls.

After work, I took a taxi back to my hotel. I felt so tired. I unlocked my room door and threw my stuff on the floor before sighing. "Ugh! I'm so tired!"

"Care to explain what the fuck you're doing in Jeju?" A familiar voice said behind me, making me squeak in surprise.

"What the fuck, Lee Taeyong?!" I yelled. He looked so angry, yet so hot.

"Did you try to run away?" He asked.

"I wish," I said and rolled my eyes. "I came here for work."

"Why didn't you inform me?"

Is he serious right now?

"You didn't need to know," I stated. "You were the one who said we should stay out of each other's business."

"Why didn't you pick up my calls?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Why can't I?"


"Just answer me, Miyeon."

"How the fuck did you even get into my room?" I asked. "Did you threaten the people at the lobby?"

He had a huge smirk on his face. "I own this place, baby."

My eyes widened and I groaned. "Of course. And, I'm not your baby."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You're my wife."

"By a stupid law."

"So what?" He asked. I didn't even realize that I was moving backwards until my back hit the wall.

Taeyong placed his hands on either side on my head and stared into my eyes. I hadn't noticed before, but his eyes were absolutely beautiful. They were so unique. I found myself getting lost in them.

"You. Are. My. Baby."

I took a deep breath. He was too close. I could smell his expensive Dior cologne that he always wore.

"Now tell me," He said, not moving from his position. "What work did you have?"

"I-I designed the interior for a luxury hotel," I said. I wasn't able to focus on what he was saying with how close he was.

"So that's why 60 million won was transferred to your account. Who's the owner of that hotel?"

So now he was keeping tabs on my bank account as well? So much for staying out of my business.

"Choi Siwon," I answered.

"Ah, sunbaenim!" He said in relief and finally moved away from me. "We're allies."

"I knew he was in the mafia," I said with a shrug.

"Pretty obvious," Taeyong said. "Come on, let's go eat something."


End of chapter nine.

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