Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I woke up around ten

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I woke up around ten. Taeyong was still sound asleep. He looked adorable! I couldn't help staring at him. I kissed his cheek gently before getting up and taking a shower.

After my shower, I went to make breakfast. Since there was only a day left, I didn't buy any groceries. I decided to wait until Taeyong woke up so that we could go get breakfast.

In a few minutes, Taeyong came downstairs, dressed casually. He kissed me before chuckling.

"We match," He said, grinning.

He was right. Both of us were wearing black jeans with a white hoodie. I giggled.

"Let's go get breakfast," I said.

"A breakfast date? Hell yeah!" He said cheerfully.

We walked to a cafe nearby which was really famous for their waffles. Taeyong got a waffle with mocha syrup and I got one with vanilla icecream and chocolate sauce.

Me and Taeyong had small conversations about random things. I noticed that he seemed pretty distracted, glancing somewhere. I followed his gaze to see a man wearing a black hoodie and a mask, staring our way. When the man caught me staring, he suddenly started running away. Taeyong stood up and ran behind him, startling me. I paid for the food and ran outside the cafe before calling up one of the NCT members.



"Yeah, it's me. What happened? Why do you sound like you're panicking?" He asked, his tone worried.

"Taeyong just ran after some guy right now, I don't know where he went." 

"Hold on, hold on," He said. "You're on speaker now, everyone is here so tell us what happened."

I told them everything in detail.

"Was the guy carrying a gun?" Haechan asked.

"No," I said. "I don't know if he has one on him."

"Miyeon, stay at the cafe, okay?" Johnny said. "Don't go home alone. If Taeyong lost the guy then we don't want to risk him coming after you. Okay?"


"Noona don't worry, Taeyong hyung will be okay," Jaemin said.

"Yeah, I'll just—"

I screamed when I felt something pierce into my arm, making me drop my phone.

"What the fuck man?" I said to the guy who was dressed like the one Taeyong chased after. I tried to kick him but he pushed me onto the ground.

"Shut the fuck up, Mrs. Lee."

"Who are y-you?" I asked, feeling dizzy. His voice was familiar but I couldn't recollect where I've heard it before.

The last thing I remember is the man laughing and lifting me up, before everything went black.


End of chapter twenty-seven.

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