Chapter Six

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The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache

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The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I noticed that I was wearing a man's t-shirt. I looked around and found myself in an unfamiliar room. Oh my god... Please don't tell me that I slept with someone.

I got up but I didn't feel sore. Perhaps the man went gentle on me?

I noticed a picture frame on the bedside table. It was a picture of the NCT members'. I breathed a sigh of relief. I assumed I was in one of the member's house. I quickly took a shower and changed into another t-shirt and boxers that I found in the closet. The clothes smelled like Taeyong. I was thankful that the t-shirt fell right at my knee.

I slowly crept outside. There were more rooms. How big is this place?

That's when I realized that this wasn't a house, but a mafia base. My parents had a similar base too. I found the stairs and headed downstairs.

For a mafia base, it was well decorated, I thought.

All the 21 boys stopped talking when they saw me. They all looked sad, except Taeyong. I felt uneasy.

"Take her to the interrogation room," Taeyong said. My eyes widened.

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"Taeyong, I don't think—" Kun said but Taeyong cut him off.

"I said, take her down to the fucking interrogation room. Now!" He yelled. I noticed the younger ones flinch at his tone.

Kun and Johnny got up and took me to the interrogation room in the basement. It was large enough to fit 50 people. There were handcuffs, chains, syringes, chemicals, drugs, knives, and a recording system, on the large white shelves. It was also a torture room.

There was a chair right in the middle of the room, with a table in front of it.

I took a seat. All the 21 NCT members' gathered inside. Jaemin and Yuta looked concerned and the rest looked gloomy. Taeyong stood right in front of me.

"I thought Kun does the interrogations?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'll be doing it myself," Taeyong said coldly. I was actually quite scared. Sure, I have seen him angry many times before, but not to this extent.

"So, Miyeon," Taeyong started, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. His veins were clearly shown. Why the fuck is he so hot? "Do you know why you're here?"

"No," I said honestly.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying, I have no idea why you're interrogating me when I have done nothing wrong," I said and flinched at the pounding in my head.

"Why did you just flinch?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"In case you haven't noticed, I have a hangover."

"Do you remember what you did last night?" He asked, his tone softened a bit.

"No..." I mumbled. My mind raced as I tried to recollect last night's events.

My eyes widened as I remembered and realization hit me like a bitch.



End of chapter six.

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